使用科大讯飞的API进行语音识别开发需要先注册科大讯飞账号,获取应用ID和API Key,然后才能使用该API。 以下是一个使用科大讯飞API实现语音识别的示例代码: import requests import json def voice_recognition(audio_file): # 设置API的地址和参数 url = "https://api.xfyun.cn/v1/aiui/v1/iat" appid = "your...
Speech Recognition or Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is the center of attention for AI projects like robotics. Without ASR, it is not possible to imagine a cognitive robot interacting with a human. However, it is not quite easy to build a speech recognizer. 语音识别或自动语音识别(ASR)是...
Whisper is a general-purpose open-source speech recognition transformer model, trained on a large dataset of diverse weakly supervised audio (680,000 hours) on multiple languages on different tasks (speech recognition, speech translation, language identification, and voice activity detection). Whisper ...
SpeechRecognition+recognize_google(audio, language)Microphone+listen()WakeUpDetection+check_wake_word(text, wake_word)VoiceAssistant+start() 在这个类图中,SpeechRecognition类负责使用语音识别引擎进行语音转文本的操作。Microphone类负责录制语音。WakeUpDetection类负责检测唤醒词是否在识别的文本中出现。VoiceAssistant类...
speaker = Dispatch('SAPI.SpVoice') speaker.Speak(msg) del speaker 使用SpeechLib 使用SpeechLib,可以从文本文件中获取输入,再将其转换为语音。先使用pip安装, 命令如下: pip install comtypes 【示例】使用SpeechLib实现文本转换语音 from comtypes.client import CreateObject ...
Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition (Deprecated) Houndify API IBM Speech to Text Snowboy Hotword Detection(works offline) Quickstart:pip install SpeechRecognition. See the "Installing" section for more details. To quickly try it out, runpython -m speech_recognitionafter installing. ...
Install the module win32com, then you can use this code: importwin32com.clientaswincl speak = wincl.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice") speak.Speak("Hello World") IBM Watson TTS IBM has created an tts API, which is free for a limited amount of queries. ...
def voice2text(self): # 语音转文本 client = AipSpeech(self.APP_ID, self.API_KEY, self.SECRET_KEY) ret = client.asr(self.get_data(), 'pcm', 16000, {'dev_pid': 1536}, ) # print(ret) if ret['err_msg'] == 'recognition error.': ...
使用百度api进行音频转文字,使用python3实现. Contribute to pynickle/baidu-api-voice-recognition development by creating an account on GitHub.
Demo of the Python code voice chat: The below script imports the necessary libraries, such as OpenAI, Speech Recognition and Pyttsx3. # Import necessary libraries import openai import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 It then assigns an OpenAI API key (you need to get that fromhttps:/...