因此,我们必深入且完整地认知期权交易(Options Trading),并采用适宜的风险管理策略(Risk Management Strategy)来为自身的投资保驾护航,这一点至关重要且不容忽视。主要选择权希腊字母是一组五个字母,代表影响选择权价格的关键因素。这些是选择权交易者分析和管理其头寸风险的基本工具。以下是每个希腊文的意思:De...
期权(Options),亦被称作选择权(在后续内容中,期权与选择权均指代 Options),属于金融衍生工具(financial derivative instrument)的范畴。一旦标的资产价格于特定设定时间段内攀升至约定价格之上,期权持有方即具备要求卖方依照约定价格开展资产买卖的权利,然而这并非其强制义务。高级期权交易业务超脱于看涨期权(Call Options)与...
Libraries for storing and parsing configuration options. configparser - (Python standard library) INI file parser. configobj - INI file parser with validation. hydra - Hydra is a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications. python-decouple - Strict separation of settings from code. Cryptog...
If you wish to learn more about straddle options strategy, then you should explore this course onOptions Volatility Trading: Concepts and Strategies. With this course, you will dive into the basics to advanced topics revolving around options trading and how to gain from volatility with options str...
export TRADINGHOURS_TOKEN=<your-key-goes-here> You can also install with mysql or postgres dependencies, if you wish to use one of these. You can read more about this in advanced configuration options. pip install tradinghours[mysql] # or pip install tradinghours[postgres] Alternatives Instead...
Note: The original post has been revamped on 28th Jan 2025 for recentness, and accuracy. All investments and trading in the stock market involve risk. Any decision to place trades in the financial markets, including trading in stock or options or other financial instruments is a personal decisi...
g_trade.GetTradingCode(vecTradingCode, THOST_FTDC_PC_Options); printf("订阅合约:%d\n", vecTradingCode.size()); g_fileMap.SetTradingCode(vecTradingCode); while (1) { g_nMarketLoginIn = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) ...
Always start by running a trading bot in Dry-run and do not engage money before you understand how it works and what profit/loss you should expect. We strongly recommend you to have coding and Python knowledge. Do not hesitate to read the source code and understand the mechanism of this ...
c) 他们的交易模式 - 您不希望交易流动性不足的资产;您限制自己只交易交易活跃的资产。 应该定义相关的金融数据: a) 频率:每日、每月、日内等等 b) 数据来源 应该定义模型的参数。 应定义它们的定时、入场、退出规则和头寸规模策略 - 例如,我们不能交易超过平均每日交易量的 10%;通常,进入/退出决策由几个指标...
reconstructed_values = np.dot(pca_5, weights)# Combine DJIA and PCA index for comparisondf_combined = djia_2017.copy() df_combined['pca_5'] = reconstructed_values df_combined = df_combined.apply(fn_z_score) df_combined.plot(figsize=(12,8)); ...