(1)加密(Encryption) 将明文变换为密文的过程。把可懂的语言变换成不可懂的语言。 (2)明文(Plaintext) 加密前的原始信息。 (3)解密(Decryption) 加密的逆过程,即由密文恢复出原明文的过程。把不可懂的语言变换成可懂的语言。 (4)密文(Ciphertext) 加密后的信息。 古典加密算法主要分为: 单表替代密码:Caesa...
We will use symmetric encryption, which means the same key we used to encrypt data is also usable for decryption. There are a lot of encryption algorithms out there. The library we gonna use is built on top of theAES algorithm. There are many encryption uses in the real world. In fact,...
对称加密(AES):from cryptography.fernet import Fernet # 生成一个密钥 key = Fernet.generate_key...
encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption())# 将公钥序列化以便传输或存储pem_public_key=public_k...
Now that we have the function that is responsible for encryption, let's make the opposite, that's decryption:def decrypt_pdf(input_file: str, password: str): """ Decrypts a file using PyPDF4 library. Precondition: A file is already encrypted """ pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(open(input_...
# Measure how long the encryption/decryption takes: startTime = time.time() if myMode == 'encrypt': translated = transpositionEncrypt.encryptMessage(myKey, content) elif myMode == 'decrypt': translated = transpositionDecrypt.decryptMessage(myKey, content) ...
()fileObj.close()print('%sing...' % (myMode.title()))# Measure how long the encryption/decryption takes:startTime = time.time()if myMode == 'encrypt':translated = transpositionEncrypt.encryptMessage(myKey, content)elif myMode == 'decrypt':translated = transpositionDecrypt.decryptMessage(...
root.title("Encryption and Decryption") # 设置输入文本区域 text_input = tk.Text(root, height=8) text_input.pack() # 设置按钮 button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Encrypt", command=encrypt_message) button1.pack() button2 = tk.Button(root, text="Decrypt", command=decrypt_message) ...
System.out.println("AES Encryption Time (Average): " + avgEncryptTime + " nanoseconds"); System.out.println("AES Decryption Time (Average): " + avgDecryptTime + " nanoseconds"); } private static SecretKey generateKey() throws Exception { ...
4 of the key: M Z Q Possible letters for letter 5 of the key: O B Z Possible letters for letter 6 of the key: V I K Attempting with key: ASIMOV Possible encryption hack with key ASIMOV: ALAN MATHISON TURING WAS A BRITISH MATHEMATICIAN, LOGICIAN, CRYPTANALYST, AND COMPUTER SCIENTIST....