它检查addr,如果它改变了,它会输出,但是如何每30秒运行一次,输出就会不一致。 my code: import requests, time, json, sys, discord result = requests.get('myapi') result.json() results = "soon:tm:" def price_of_gas(inp): def recursive_function(inp): if type(inp) is list: for i in inp...
site pythondiscord.com - A Django and Bulma web application. snekbox Easy, safe evaluation of arbitrary Python code Sponsors
Chat on Discord Change log The log has become rather long. It moved to its own file. SeeCHANGES. Authors The author list is quite long nowadays, so it lives in its own file. SeeAUTHORS.md Code of Conduct Everyone participating in theBlackproject, and in particular in the issue tracker,...
Rodofdiscord FromUnited States Member sinceJan 2024 Languages English My areas of expertise are python programming and the pygame library for it, although I know very surface level Java coding. I have an itch io page with old projects that I'm not too fond of, and my username is rodof...
https://pythondiscord.com @PythonDiscord README.md We're a large community focused around the Python programming language. We believe anyone can learn to code, and are very dedicated to helping novice developers take their first steps into the world of programming. We also attract a lot of ...
2017 年 8 月,Chris Lattner 在 Google Brain 团队领导了 TensorFlow 基础设施工作,包括一系列硬件支持(CPU、GPU、TPU),底层运行时和编程语言工作。今年 5 月,Modular AI 向外界公布了 Mojo。据称自 Mojo 亮相以来,超过 12 万开发者注册使用了 Mojo Playground,另外还有 19 万开发者参与 Discord 与 ...
If you'd like to report a bug or have a feature request, please create anissue on GitHub. For general questions about usage, we are available onour Discord serverand happy to help. If you like Gradio, please leave us a ⭐ on GitHub!
Discord:Pyodide Discord License Pyodide uses theMozilla Public License Version 2.0. 简介 Pyodide 可由编译成 WebAssembly 的 CPython 3.8 解释器组成,允许 Python 在网页浏览器中运行 暂无标签 https://www.oschina.net/p/pyodide C/C++等 6 种语言 ...
We useGitHub Discussionsas our forum, andDiscordfor chat. These are great places to ask questions and advice from the community or to discuss your MicroPython-based projects. For bugs and feature requests, pleaseraise an issueand follow the templates there. ...
Stack Overflow:stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/pyodide Discord:Pyodide Discord License Pyodide uses theMozilla Public License Version 2.0. Releases78 0.27.4Latest Mar 18, 2025 + 77 releases opencollective.com/pyodide Used by3.6k + 3,583 Contributors278 + 264 contributors...