def square(x): '''返回平方值''' return x*x print(square.__doc__) 定义私有方法 #在方式名称前加两个下斜杠 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 class Person: def __name(self): print('私有方法') #注明:⽤ from module import * 导⼊时不会导⼊私有⽅法。 怎么...
4 toad分箱 4.1 卡方分箱 4.2 决策树分箱 4.3 toad调用函数 5 观察分箱并调整 6 WOE转化 7 用gbdt编码,用于gbdt + lr建模的前置 8 一个完整的code示例...4.1 卡方分箱参考:【数据建模 特征分箱】特征分箱的方法 有监督的卡方分箱法(ChiMerge) 自底向上的...
If you’re coming from another programming language such as C++ or JavaScript, this tutorial is for you to learn some tips to write efficient code in Python. But if you are a beginner—learning Python as your first (programming) language—then this tutorial will help you write Pythonic code ...
for 语句会自动为你创建一个临时的未命名变量来保存迭代器,以便在循环期间使用。 简而言之,当你写for k in sequence: ... body ...时,for循环会询问sequence下一个元素,得到返回值后,将其命名为k,然后执行其主体。然后,for循环再次询问sequence下一个元素,再次将其命名为k,再次执行主体,依此类推,直到序列耗...
Figure 4 Editing and Running a Program Using IDLE You can create a new Python source code file by clicking on the File | New File item on the menu bar. This opens a similar-looking separate editor window as shown in the bottom part of Figure 4. Type these seven statements in the edito...
符合LSP# 示例中,Square可以替代Rectangle而不影响程序正确运行shapes=[Rectangle(5,7),Square(6)]for...
A nice way to get the most out of these examples, in my opinion, is to read them in sequential order, and for every example:Carefully read the initial code for setting up the example. If you're an experienced Python programmer, you'll successfully anticipate what's going to happen next...
# Checking for the equality of two objects point1 = Point(x=1, y=2) point2 = Point(x=1, y=2) print(point1 == point2) 输出: Point(x=3, y=2) True @dataclass装饰器应用于Point类定义之上,通知Python使用默认行为来生成特殊方法。这会自动创建__init__方法,该方法在对象实例化时初始化类...
game.display.update() objectClock.tick(20) #if you remove following line of code, IDLE will hang at exit game.quit() 上述代码由许多代码片段组成:初始化游戏变量,然后创建游戏模型。在步骤3中,我们创建了一些简单的逻辑来控制游戏的动画。我们在步骤3中构建了两个代码模型,使我们的游戏对用户进行交互(...
The body of the for loop, like the body of the Python while loop, is indented from the rest of the code in the program. Go for this in-depth job-oriented Python Training in Hyderabad now! Let us take a look at the Python for loop example for better understanding. square = 1 ...