400: ('Bad Request', 'Bad request syntax or unsupported method'), 401: ('Unauthorized', 'No permission -- see authorization schemes'), 402: ('Payment Required', 'No payment -- see charging schemes'), 403: ('Forbidden', 'Request forbidden -- authorization will not help'), 404: ('No...
info() : 返回HTTPMessage对象,表示远程服务器返回的头信息 getcode() : 返回HTTP状态码,如果是http请求,200请求成功完成,404网页未找到 geturl(): 返回请求的url (2)Request urllib.request.Request(url,data=None,headers={},method=None) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 fromurllibimportrequest url=...
BAD_REQUEST(400) The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax UNAUTHORIZED(401) The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. For use when authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided FORBIDDEN(403) The request was a legal request...
info() : 返回HTTPMessage对象,表示远程服务器返回的头信息 getcode() : 返回HTTP状态码,如果是http请求,200请求成功完成,404网页未找到 geturl(): 返回请求的url (2)Request urllib.request.Request(url,data=None,headers={},method=None) from urllib import request url = r'http://www.lagou.com/zhaopi...
example_function(-5) except CustomException as e: print("捕获到自定义异常:", e.message)这...
The OBS server complies with the HTTP standard. After an API is called, the OBS server returns a standard HTTP status code. The following tables list the categories of HT
'{\n\t"timestamp":1557026952651,\n\t"status":400,\n\t"error":"Bad Request",\n\t"exception":"org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException",\n\t"message":"JSON parse error: syntax error, expect {, actual error, pos 0, fastjson-version 1.2.38; nested exception is...
request.setNotificationVisibility(visibility)Then use this to write code with Python syntax and semantics, and Java class semantics added. Some basic knowledge of Java semantics is required. Get over it. Android classes will require (possibly extensive) reading of the Android Developer Guide and ...
info() — 返回页面的原信息就像一个字段的对象, 如headers,它以mimetools.Message实例为格式(可以参考HTTP Headers说明)。 getcode() — 返回响应的HTTP状态代码,运行下面代码可以得到code=200,具体各个code代表的意思请参见文后附录。 代码语言:javascript ...
The response body contains the blackened Python code, and the Content-Type header is set accordingly. HTTP 400: If the input contains a syntax error. Details of the error are returned in the response body. HTTP 500: If there was any kind of error while trying to format the input. The ...