notwithstanding this rule, ‘cls’ is the preferred spelling for any variable or argument which is known to be a class, especially the first argument to a class method.)
print(obj_sub._MyClass__my_private_var) # 输出: 42 # 调用方法 obj_sub._my_method() #输出:This is my_method in MySubclass 在上述示例中,MySubclass继承自MyClass,并在子类中定义了一个同名的私有属性__my_private_var。由于名称改写的存在,子类与父类属性在内部被自动修改为 变成_MySubclass__my...
class_ =1returnclass_ 前后各有两个下划线__xx__ dunderscore:double underscore 专门表示Python中的魔术函数magic method,都是一些Python内置好的一些函数,我们可以拿来就使用,例如:类的初始化方法__init__、__call__等 对于Python使用者来说就是不要用,自己定义的方法永远不要用到这种形式(Never invent such ...
function, class, or method definition. It allows programmers to add quick notes about the function/class. It can span multiple lines also. We can access the docstring using the __doc__ method.For consistency, always use “””triple double quotes””” around docstrings. ...
Class namesin Python follow thePascalCaseconvention. Each word begins with a capital letter, likeMyClassorSampleException. This style helps distinguish class types from variables and functions. Exceptionsare also named using PascalCase and often end with the word “Error” to signal an issue, such ...
You can name it anything you want, but the meaning will always be the same, and you should use self since it's the naming convention. self is (usually) passed hiddenly when calling an instance method; it represents the instance calling the method. Here's an example of a class called ...
Class names should normally use the CapWords convention. $类名遵循首字母大写风格. The naming convention for functions may be used instead in cases where the interface is documented and used primarily as a callable. 函数的命名根据接口的文档调整. ...
DeclarativeBase.metadata = MetaData(naming_convention=convention)defdb_connect():returncreate_engine(URL(**settings.DATABASE))defcreate_reviews_table(engine): DeclarativeBase.metadata.create_all(engine)classReview(DeclarativeBase): __tablename__ ='reviews'id= Column(Integer, primary_key=True) ...
解决方案:File –>Settings–>Editor–>Inspections–>Python–>PEP 8 naming convention violation 在右下角有一个Ignored errors列表控件,添加: N802 N803 N806 code sample message N801 class names should use CapWords convention N802 functionnameshouldbelowercaseN803 argument name should be lowercase ...