importosdefcheck_path(path):ifos.path.exists(path):print(f"{path}exists")else:print(f"{path}does not exist")ifos.path.isfile(path):print(f"{path}is a file")else:print(f"{path}is not a file")ifos.path.isdir(path):print(f"{path}is a directory")else:print(f"{path}is not a ...
process --> output(输出文件路径) output --> check_exist(检查文件是否存在) check_exist --> |文件存在| read_file(读取文件内容) check_exist --> |文件不存在| end[结束] read_file --> print_content(打印文件内容) print_content --> end...
1.使用os模块 os模块中的os.path.exists()方法用于检验文件是否存在。 判断文件是否存在 importos os.path.exists(test_file.txt)#Trueos.path.exists(no_exist_file.txt)#False 判断文件夹是否存在 importos os.path.exists(test_dir)#Trueos.path.exists(no_exist_dir)#False 可以看出用os.path.exists()方...
filepath=Path('./test.txt');iffilepath.is_file():print(f"{filepath}exists.")//Prints"test.txt exists."else:print("Given file does not exist.") 1.2. Check if file exists in the specified directory In case we want to check the file presence in a specified location, we can pass th...
Checking if Either Exist Another way to check if a path exists (as long as you don't care if the path points to a file or directory) is to useos.path.exists. importos os.path.exists('./file.txt')# Trueos.path.exists('./link.txt')# Trueos.path.exists('./fake.txt')# Falseos...
# Import Path from pathlib module from pathlib import Path # Check if file exist path = Path("Demo.txt") print("Does demo.txt exists ?",path.is_file()) OutputDoes demo.txt exists TrueExample 2 In this example, we will assume that file if exists lies in the different folder from ...
path.exists('file.txt'): print("File exists.") else: print("File does not exist."...
path) @ops_conn_operation def file_delete(file_path='', ops_conn=None): if file_path is None or file_path == '': logging.warning("The path of file is none or ''.") return ERR if not file_exist(file_path): # file not exist return OK"Delete file '{file_path...
check_ping_result() self.f.close() def open_ip_record_file(self): self.f = open('reachable_ip.txt','a') def check_ping_result(self): if self.ping_result == 0: self.f.write(self.ip + "\n") def remove_last_reachable_ip_file_exist(self): if os.path.exists('reachable_ip....
The path to the python executable is incorrect: check the path of your selected interpreter by running thePython: Select Interpretercommand and looking at the current value: You have"type"set to the deprecated value"python"in yourlaunch.jsonfile: replace"python"with"debugpy"instead to work with...