下面是一个完整的示例代码,可以判断指定路径是否存在,如果存在判断是否是文件夹: importosdefcheck_if_folder_exists(path):ifos.path.exists(path):ifos.path.isdir(path):print("路径是一个文件夹")else:print("路径不是一个文件夹")else:print("路径不存在")# 测试代码check_if_folder_exists('/path/to/...
First gets the absolute path, then joins folder wanted in the path, and finally creates it if it is not exists. import os # Gets current working directory path = os.getcwd() # Joins the folder that we wanted to create folder_name = 'output' path = os.path.jo...
send2trash(dir)print(dir,": folder removed")# 如果文件夹包含此文件,请同时删除它elifsubdirs == []andlen(files) ==1:# if contains no sub folder and only 1 fileiffiles[0]=="desktop.ini"or: send2trash(dir)print(dir,": folder removed")else:print(dir)#删除仅包含.srt或.txt文件的文件...
importosdefcheck_folder_permission(folder_path):# 检查文件夹是否存在ifnotos.path.exists(folder_path):print(f"文件夹{folder_path}不存在")returnFalse# 检查文件夹是否可读ifnotos.access(folder_path,os.R_OK):print(f"文件夹{folder_path}不可读")returnFalse# 检查文件夹是否可写ifnotos.access(folde...
5 How to check if folder exist inside a directory if not create it using python 4 Bash: Check if remote directory exists using FTP 2 Checking if object on FTP server is file or directory using Python and ftplib 1 python3 ftplib: check if dir exists via mlsd() 2 Check that...
# if contains no sub folder and only 1 fileiffiles[0]=="desktop.ini"or:send2trash(dir)print(dir,": folder removed")else:print(dir)#删除仅包含.srt或.txt文件的文件夹elifsubdirs==[]:#if dir doesn’t contains subdirectoryext=(".srt",".txt")contains_other_ext=0forfileinfiles:ifnot...
os模块中的os.path.exists(path)方法用于检验文件/目录是否存在。 ReturnTrueifpathrefers to an existing path or an open file descriptor. ReturnsFalsefor broken symbolic links. 代码语言:javascript 复制 importos file_path=r"C:\test\test.txt"print(os.path.exists(file_path))folder_path=r"C:\test...
Using pathlib.Path.exists() 1. Python: Check if directory exists using os.path.exists() function os.path.exists()helps check if a specified path exists or not. It returns true if the path is a file, directory, or any other file that contains a reference to another file. ...
# 判断文件是否存在 if os.path.exists(file_path) #判断是否文件夹 os.path.isdir(dirname) #判断是否文件 os.path.isfile(filename) # 确保输出文件夹存在 os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) 4 文件夹循环 os.walk函数很好用,参考Python os.walk() 方法 | 菜鸟教程 (runoob.com) def rename_...