Note the use of join for the path in order to provide a qualified filepath name to properly check. As an option, if you want to traverse through all sub-directories of a given path and check for files, you can use os.walk and just check to see if the level you are in contain...
Python 3.4以后引入了pathlib模块,提供了Path对象来处理文件路径。我们可以使用Path对象的exists()方法来判断文件是否存在。 示例代码如下所示: 代码解读 frompathlibimportPathdefcheck_file_exists(filename):path=Path(filename)ifpath.exists():print("文件已存在")else:print("文件不存在")# 测试文件是否存在check...
1.1. Check if file exists on a relative path The relative paths start with adot character (.)representing the current working directory. To know the current working directoryos.getcwd()method. We can build the complete relative path thereafter. ...
ifmy_file.is_dir():# 指定的目录存在 如果要检测路径是一个文件或目录可以使用 exists() 方法: ifmy_file.exists():# 指定的文件或目录存在 在try 语句块中你可以使用 resolve() 方法来判断: try:my_abs_path=my_file.resolve()exceptFileNotFoundError:# 不存在else:# 存在...
If the reason you're checking is so you can do something like if file_exists: open_it(), it's safer to use a try around the attempt to open it. Checking and then opening risks the file being deleted or moved or something between when you check and when you try to open it. If ...
check_file工具可以用于检查文件的存在、文件类型、文件大小等信息,并可以根据需要执行一些操作。例如,我们可以使用check_file来检查指定文件是否存在,并打印文件的大小: importcheck_file# 检查文件是否存在ifcheck_file.exists("example.txt"):# 获取文件大小file_size=check_file.get_size("example.txt")print("文...
os模块中的os.path.exists(path)方法用于检验文件/目录是否存在。 ReturnTrueifpathrefers to an existing path or an open file descriptor. ReturnsFalsefor broken symbolic links. 代码语言:javascript 复制 importos file_path=r"C:\test\test.txt"print(os.path.exists(file_path))folder_path=r"C:\test...
Checking if a File Exists This is arguably the easiest way to check if both a file existsandif it is a file. importos os.path.isfile('./file.txt')# Trueos.path.isfile('./link.txt')# Trueos.path.isfile('./fake.txt')# Falseos.path.isfile('./dir')# Falseos.path.isfile('....
Using pathlib.Path.exists() 1. Python: Check if directory exists using os.path.exists() function os.path.exists() helps check if a specified path exists or not. It returns true if the path is a file, directory, or any other file that contains a reference to another file. ...
result = check_if_file(path) print(result) “` 其中,`path`代表文件的路径,可以是绝对路径或相对路径。`isfile`函数会返回True或False,表示给定的路径是否为文件。 worktile Worktile官方账号 评论 在Python中,使用`os.path.isfile(path)`函数可以检查指定的路径是否为文件。该函数会返回一个布尔值,如果路径...