if number % 2 == 0: print(number, “是偶数”) else: print(number, “是奇数”) check_even_or_odd(7) # 输出:7 是奇数 check_even_or_odd(12) # 输出:12 是偶数 “` 上述代码定义了一个`check_even_or_odd`函数,它接受一个参数`number`表示要判断的数字。函数内部使用取余运算判断`number`...
Otherwise, if we take the bitwise AND operation of an odd number and 1, the result would always be 1. The sample code below shows how we can use the bitwise AND operator & to check whether a number is odd or even. def check(num): if num & 1 == 0: print("even") else: print...
defis_number_even(num): """Function to check if number is even or odd""" return"Even"ifnum%2==0else"Odd" NUM=5 print(f"The number {NUM} is {is_number_even(NUM)}") 通过这段代码,我们添加了一个模块和函数docstring,在结尾处添加了一个...
if n % 2 == 0:print("This is an even")elif n % 2 != 0:print("This is an odd")如果输入的数字是偶数,输出的文字为“This is an even”。如果输入的数字是奇数,输出的文字为“This is an odd”。python怎么判断奇数偶数 1、首先打开JUPYTER NOTEBOOK,新建一个空白的PYTHON文档。...
Even number examples:2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. Odd number examples:1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. See this example: num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) if(num %2) ==0: print("{0} is Even number".format(num)) else: print("{0} is Odd number".format(num))...
defcheck_even_odd(number):ifnumber%2==0:return"偶数"else:return"奇数" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在这个例子中,check_even_odd函数接收一个参数number。如果number能被2整除,函数将返回“偶数”,否则返回“奇数”。 2.2 多条件的示例 假设我们需要一个函数来判断一个考试成绩等级: ...
if i % 2 == 0: # even pi += 4 / k else: # odd pi -= 4 / k k += 2 return pi # Settings order=6 N = 1_000 items = range(N) # Serial run result = [batch_process_function(row, order, None) for row in items] ...
We will learn how to check if any given number is even or odd using different techniques, using the subtraction method and using the modulo operator method.
1.输入一个年份,输入一个月份,输出该年该月有多少天。输入英文逗号隔开的两个数字,代表年份和月份;输出该月的天数。输入输出样例:输入输出示例11997,1031示例22000,229 def 闰年(n): if n%400==0: return Tru…
# conditional.1.pylate =Trueiflate:print('I need to call my manager!') 这可能是最简单的例子:当late被传递给if语句时,late充当条件表达式,在布尔上下文中进行评估(就像我们调用bool(late)一样)。如果评估的结果是True,那么我们就进入if语句后面的代码体。请注意,print指令是缩进的:这意味着它属于由if子句...