打包后读取grib错..虚拟环境中使用cfgrib正常读取grib文件,使用pyinstaller打包为exe报:RuntimeError: Cannot find the ecCodes library
cfgrib包依赖于eccodes python包来访问ECMWF ecCodes二进制库。因此安装:
folder WORKDIR /app # install library RUN pip uninstall cfgrib RUN pip install ecmwflibs RUN pip install eccodes==1.3.1 RUN pip install cfgrib RUN pip install -e . # Example commnad that can be used, need to set API_KEY, API_SECRET and SAVE_DIR CMD ["python", "metofficeamd/app.py...
python eccodes cfgrib 生成grib2 python代码怎么生成exe python生成exe脚本全过程 1、定义设计的GUI界面 2、几个GUI界面常用函数 2.1 tk.Label 2.2 tk.StringVar 2.3 tk.Entry 2.4 tk.Button 2.5 tk.Text 2.6 tk.Scrollbar 3、实例 3.1 需求 3.2实现
下面介绍一下我的方法。根据参考链接[1],最简单的方法就是利用xarray和cfgrib来打开grib文件了。文中提到要首先安装ECcodes这个包,还介绍了离线安装的步骤,我试了很多个eccodes的版本,尽管离线安装成功,但是仍然会报错: 如果直接安装eccodes,不是和上图里一样报了<unknown>的错误,就是环境配置一直loading,最后帮我把...
$ pip install cfgrib Binary dependencies cfgribdepends on theeccodes python packageto access the ECMWFecCodesbinary library, when not usingcondaplease follow theSystem dependenciessection there. You may run a simple selfcheck command to ensure that your system is set up correctly: ...
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cfgrib depends on the eccodes python package to access the ECMWF ecCodes binary library, when not using conda please follow the System dependencies section there.You may run a simple selfcheck command to ensure that your system is set up correctly:...