如果try中有异常发生时,将执行异常的归属,执行except。异常层层比较,看是否是exception1, exception2...,直到找到其归属,执行相应的except中的语句。如果except后面没有任何参数,那么表示所有的exception都交给这段程序处理。比如: ''' try: print(a*2) except TypeError: print("TypeError") except: print("Not ...
importrequeststry:response=requests.get("https://api.example.com")response.raise_for_status()# 检查响应状态码,如果不是 200,则引发异常# 处理响应数据exceptrequests.Timeout:print("请求超时")exceptrequests.HTTPErrorase:print("HTTP 错误:",e)exceptrequests.RequestException:print("请求发生错误") 数据验...
>>>classBad(Exception):#user-defined exception...pass...>>>defdoomed(): ...raiseBad()#raise an instance...>>>try: ... doomed() ...exceptBad:#catch class name...print"got Bad"... got Bad>>> 3.5 终止行为 (Termination Actions) Finally,trystatements can say "finally"-- that is...
Here the raise statement means, “throw the exception last caught”. This is a simple case, and I probably didn’t need to remind you of it. But a more sophisticated technique is to catch an exception in one place, and raise it again in another. For example, you may have a worker t...
Catch Multiple Python Exceptions Using Exception Groups When you usetry…exceptin your code, it’s actually only capable of catching the first exception that occurs within thetryblock. If you try to raise multiple exceptions, the program will finish after handling the first exception. The rest wi...
defsome_function(x):ifx<0:raiseValueError("x 不能是负数")# 其他代码# 调用函数并传入负数try:some_function(-5)exceptValueErrorase:print(e) 3.1 自定义异常 你也可以定义自己的异常类,这样可以更好地找到和标识不同类型的错误。 classCustomError(Exception):def__init__(self,message):self.message=mess...
raise MyCustomError("A specific error occurred") except MyCustomError as e: print(e)3、Else in Try-Except 如果没有引发异常,则try-except块中的else子句将运行。这是其他语言没有的 try: # Attempt operation except Exception: # Handle error ...
python里的try里截获异常在打印 python try catch finally Python 中,finally 语句是与 try 和 except 语句配合使用的,其通常是用来做清理工作的。无论 try 中的语句是否跳入 except 中,最终都要进入 finally 语句,并执行其中的代码块。 有些时候,程序在 try 块里打开了一些物理资源(例如数据库连接、网络连接和...
except Exception as original_error: raise RuntimeError("Something bad happened") from original_error 这种方法有好有坏,所以如果不熟悉的话建议还是不要用。 7、忽略异常 使用contextlib.suppress()函数,可以优雅地忽略特定的异常,从而使代码更清晰、更易读。
(self.data)Total_movie = int(input(“Enter Total Movies Seen: “)) try: Num_of_genres = int(input(“Enter Num of genres: “)) if(Num_of_genres < 1): raise RaisingValueError(“Number of genres can’t be less than 1”) except RaisingValueError as e: print (“Try entering again:...