import re def case_insensitive_replace(string, old, new): """ Performs a case-insensitive replacement on a string. Args: string: The string to search in. old: The string to replace. new: The string to replace old with. """ pattern = re.compile(old, re.IGNORECASE) new_string = patt...
new_string = case_insensitive_replace(string, "hello", "Hi") print(new_string) # 输出:Hi World 在上述示例中,case_insensitive_replace()函数接受三个参数:原始字符串string、要替换的旧字符串old和替换的新字符串new。函数内部使用re.escape()函数来转义旧字符串中的特殊字符,并使用re.IGNORECASE标志来忽...
defcase_insensitive_replace(string,old,new):""" Performs acase-insensitive replacement on a string.Args:string:The string to searchin.old:The string to string to replace oldwith.""" buffer=ctypes.create_string_buffer(string)buffer.value=buffer.value.lower()new_string=buffer.valu...
def filter(self, inputtext): text = self.remove_dates(text) text = self.remove_email(text) text = self.remove_postal_codes(text) text = self.remove_numbers(text) text = self.keyword_processor_case_insensitive.replace_keywords(text) text = self.keyword_processor_case_sensi...
str.replace()方法是最直接的替换方式,通过遍历替换字典中的键值对,可以实现批量替换。 # 示例代码 def replace_multiple_chars(text, replace_dict): for old, new in replace_dict.items(): text = text.replace(old, new) return text # 使用示例 ...
REAL case insensitive version ofstr.replacethat keeps the letter case of the original expression (Doesn't only defiter_find(_str,to_find,n=0):""" Finds all occurences of `to_find` in `_str`. Itering-ready. """_str_...
笔记:data.replace方法与data.str.replace不同,后者做的是字符串的元素级替换。我们会在后面学习Series的字符串方法。 重命名轴索引 跟Series中的值一样,轴标签也可以通过函数或映射进行转换,从而得到一个新的不同标签的对象。轴还可以被就地修改,而无需新建一个数据结构。接下来看看下面这个简单的例子: ...
笔记:data.replace⽅法与data.str.replace不同,后者做的是字符串的元素级替换。我们会在后⾯学习Series的字符串⽅法。 4、重命名轴索引 跟Series中的值⼀样,轴标签也可以通过函数或映射进⾏转换,从⽽得到⼀个新的不同标签的对象。 轴还可以被就地修改,⽽⽆需新建⼀个数据结构。 接下来看看下...
First, we need to create a function to replace uppercase letters with a lowercase letter Next, we need to pass this function as the replacement argument to there.sub() Wheneverre.sub()matches the pattern, It will send the corresponding match object to the replacement function ...
The search methods look for a single, hard-coded substring, and they are always case-sensitive. To do case-insensitive searches of a strings, you must calls.lower()ors.upper()and make sure your search strings are the appropriate case to match. Thereplaceandsplitmethods have the same limitati...