在Django的项目中安装了kafka-python,但是不能正常运行,直接就报错了。 importsysfromkafkaimportKafkaConsumerdefkafkatest():print"Step 1 complete"consumer=KafkaConsumer('test',bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'])formessageinconsumer:print"Next message"printmessageif__name__=="__main__":kafkatest() ...
IDLE can't import Tkinter. Your Python may not be configured for Tk. 下面给出解决方案,首先安装tcl-devel和tk-devel, [root@Azuo Desktop]# yum install tk-devel 然后把python版本重新编译和安装即可
idle IDLE can't import Tkinter. Your Python may not be configured for Tk. 下面给出解决方案,首先安装tcl-devel和tk-devel, [root@Azuo Desktop]# yum install tk-devel 然后把python版本重新编译和安装即可
Mysql报错Fatal error:Can't open and lock privilege tables:http://blog.itpub.net/26736162/viewspace-2131368/【故障处理】ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol:http://blog.itpub.net/26736162/viewspace-2131338/关于VMware虚拟机磁盘收缩的几种方法:http://blog.itpub.net/26736162/viewspace-...
pip install hdwallet[cli] If you want to run the latest version of the code, you can install from the git:pip install git+ssh://github.com/talonlab/python-hdwallet.git For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.Quick UsageExampleA simple Bitcoin HDWallet generator:...
If you don't have an environment variable set we will try to detect the number of cores in your system and use 2 less than that number. If we cannot detect the number of cores we set the number to 4. Open Data StatsBomb's open data can be accessed without the need of authentication...
lzl.py以及settings.py文件未变,main.py文件去掉了繁杂的sys.path添加的过程,直接执行from Day5.Credit_card.conf import settings,使用相对路径,更加简洁方便! 二、内置模块 1、time和datatime模块 时间相关的操作,时间有三种表示方式: 时间戳 1970年1月1日之后的秒,即:time.time() 格式化的字符串 2014-11-...
python3 -i sample.pyTraceback (most recent call last):File"sample.py", line4,in<module>function("Hello")File"sample.py", line2,infunctionreturnn +10TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly>>> function(20)30>>>
1#同级目录间import23importmodule_name#直接导入模块4importmodule_name,module2_name#导入多个模块 使用:模块名.加函数名5frommodule_nameimport*#导入模块中所有函数和变量等。。不建议使用6frommodule_nameimportm1,m2,m3#只导入模块中函数m1,m2,m3 使用:直接使用m1,m2,m3即可7frommodule_nameimportm1 as m#...
Here’s how you can do that. Testing Our View by Mocking Out authenticate (I trust you to set up a tests folder with a dunderinit. Don’t forget to delete the default tests.py, as well.) accounts/tests/test_views.py. from django.test import TestCase from unittest.mock import patch...