“` 按照以上步骤进行排查,应该可以解决"Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket…"的问题。
IDLE can't import Tkinter. Your Python may not be configured for Tk. 下面给出解决方案,首先安装tcl-devel和tk-devel, [root@Azuo Desktop]# yum install tk-devel 然后把python版本重新编译和安装即可
IDLE can't import Tkinter. Your Python may not be configured for Tk. 下面给出解决方案,首先安装tcl-devel和tk-devel, [root@Azuo Desktop]# yum install tk-devel 然后把python版本重新编译和安装即可
1) I have installed Python 2.7.5 in the directory c:\Program Files(x86)\Python2.7.Using the Python MSI installer. 2) I have added that directory in the path and checked that I can run python from any command line window 3) Python 2.7 is running fine ...
Description We use an internal jfrog (https://jfrog.com/) pypi mirror, and we are seeing an issue where poetry lock is missing dependencies for some packages e.g. v1: set primary to pypi ('works') This version of pyproject.toml creates t...
package/deploy: it's working now Feb 24, 2019 docutils.conf docutils.conf removed www.python.org hostname from PEP base URL so mirrors work Mar 24, 2006 generate_rss.py generate_rss.py PEP 676: 'dark mode', documentation, spec update, implementation upda… Jan 17, 2022 genpepindex.py ...
In today’s data-driven world, the ability to access and analyze large amounts of data can give researchers, businesses & organizations a competitive
format (ico on Windows, icns on Mac), PyInstaller triesto use Pillow to translate the icon into the correct format (if Pillow is installed). Use "NONE" to not apply any icon, therebymaking the OS show some default (default: apply PyInstaller's icon). This option can be used multiple ...
@Greg_Deckler By the way I've tried to uninstall the Power BI desktop and install again but it didn't work too. Also I've deleted my pycharm project and created again but still I'm getting the same error. You can find attached the error. Message 4 of 8 2,984 Views 0...
I can't install MySQL because it doesn't detect Python 3.6 64bit installation. I installed Python 3.7 64bit (newest version), which should be detected. It's an upgraded version which has a backward compatibility with older versions (one of them is 3.6) - Does that mean I have to instal...