to my question i've managed to get the stored procedure running with table valued parameters (...
to my question i've managed to get the stored procedure running with table valued parameters (...
Calls stored procedure procname with the sequence of arguments in args. Returns the original arguments. Stored procedure support only works with MySQL-5.0 and newer. Compatibility note: PEP-249 specifies that if there are OUT or INOUT parameters, the modified values are to be returned. This is ...
Callcallproc()method of the MySQLCursor object. You pass the stored procedure’s name as the first argument of thecallproc()method. If the stored procedure requires parameters, you need to pass a list as the second argument to thecallproc()method. In case the stored procedure returns a resu...
Callcallproc()method of the MySQLCursor object. You pass the stored procedure’s name as the first argument of thecallproc()method. If the stored procedure requires parameters, you need to pass a list as the second argument to thecallproc()method. In case the stored procedure returns a resu...
# Call a stored procedure with output parameters and return values def saveAuthor2(connection, author, authorProfileUrl, authorSinceYear, tipContribution): ''' Take input database connection and author profile data Save author profile data into the table [dbo].[Author] ...
)} where parameter 1 is# a return value, parameter 2 could be input and paramater 3 could be output.# To do this we have to have the call as {CALL pyInOutRecs(?)} with just# the input parameter. The RETURN value and the OUTPUT parameters are# returned in a rowset generated by ...
Connection parameters specified only as a JSON string:con = teradatasql.connect('{"host":"whomooz","user":"guest","password":"please"}') Connection parameters specified using a combination:con = teradatasql.connect('{"host":"whomooz"}', user="guest", password="please") ...
"Compatibility warning: PEP-249 specifies that any modifiedparameters must be returned. This is currently impossibleas they are only available by storing them in a servervariable and then retrieved by a query. Since storedprocedures return zero or more result sets, there is noreliable way to get...
用户在创建好数据仓库集群后使用PyGreSQL第三方库连接到集群,则可以使用Python访问GaussDB(DWS) ,并进行数据表的各类操作。 连接集群前的准备 GaussDB(DWS) 集群已绑定弹性IP。 已获取GaussDB(DWS) 集群的数据库管理员用户名和密码。 请注意,由于MD5算法已经被证实存在碰撞可能,已严禁将之用于密码校验算法。当前...