In this scenario, we are calling a function from another file. Let us take acompute.pyfile having a functioninterestto compute the simple interest of given principal and duration. We will then write ademo.pyfile that has saving function, which when called makes call to interest function to ...
假设文件在同一个目录中,那么在filea中,您将写入import fileB。然后,在filea中,可以像这样调用fileb中的任何函数:fileB.name_of_your_func()。当然还有更多的选择和细节,但这会让你振作起来。 使用subprocess模块代替os模块 使用import可向函数添加名称间距,例如,function()变为filename.function()。要避免使用"...
spec = ilu.spec_from_file_location(file, folder) your_lib = ilu.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(your_lib) your_lib.function() Related Video Feel free to watch the following explainer video where Finxter CreatorPetershows you how to call a function from another file: Refere...
Title explains it mostly. I am trying to call another python script from a python script. I am using: @app.route('/lemay',methods=['POST'])defview_do_something():ifrequest.method=='POST'['python', ''])return"OK" ...
All python initialization module functions need to be named init<module_name> - this is how python knows which function to call in your extension module. All it needs to do right now is to register the module with the list of static methods you supplied....
importtimeimportosfromrandomimportrandintfromthreadingimportThreadclassMyThreadClass(Thread):def__init__(self, name, duration): Thread.__init__(self) = name self.duration = durationdefrun(self):print("---> "+ + \" running, belonging to process ID "\ ...
in the local symbol table of the called function when it is called; thus, arguments are passed usingcall by value(where thevalueis always an objectreference, not the value of the object).[1]When a function calls another function, a new local symbol table is created for that call. ...
In the first line of .__new__(), you call the parent class’s .__new__() method to create a new instance and allocate memory for it. To access the parent class’s .__new__() method, you use the super() function. This chain of calls takes you up to object.__new__(), ...
Theexec()function provides an alternative way to run your scripts from inside your code: Python >>>withopen("")ashello:...exec(, World! In this example, you use thewithstatementto open thehello.pyfile for reading. Then, you read the file’s content with...
In this code, the function is calledchant. The parameter is a variable calledphrase. The code within the function invokes another function that you didn't write, but it's available to you as part of the Python languageprint()capability. If you invoke this function, the value you pass in...