projects/gothonweb/tests/", line17,intest_game assert_response( File"/Users/bijing/projects/gothonweb/tests/", line5,inassert_responseassertstatusinresp.status,"Excepted response %r not in %r"%(status,resp.status) AttributeError:'bytes'objecthas no attribute'...
这是因为,python3中,编码的时候区分了字符串和二进制 encode 改为 decode 就可以了 最后编辑于:
When running with python3, saving cache fails with following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner File "/srv/kalliope/lib/python3.5/site-packages/k...
num.isdecimal() # AttributeError 'bytes' object has no attribute 'isdecimal' num.isnumeric() # AttributeError 'bytes' object has no attribute 'isnumeric' num = "IV" # 罗马数字 num.isdigit() # False num.isdecimal() # False num.isnumeric() # True num = "四" # 汉字 num.isdigit()...
1 Python Attribute Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' 0 Python - Selenium find_element_by_xpath("") displays "expected string or bytes-like object" 1 BeautifulSoup: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'find_element_by_xpath' 0 BeautifulSoup - Attribut...
AttributeError:‘bytes’ 对象没有属性 ‘encode’ 如果我删除.encode("utf-8")错误是“无法将 str 连接到字节”。显然pad*chr(pad)似乎是一个字节串。它不能使用encode() <ipython-input-65-9e84e1f3dd26> inaesEncrypt(text, secKey)43defaesEncrypt(text, secKey):44pad =16-len(text) %16--->45...
makemigrations: AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'pattern' (Django 1.8/Python 3.4) 汇报人: Luis Diego García属主: nobody 组件: Migrations 版本: 1.8 严重性: Normal 关键词: 抄送: scailer@… Triage Stage: Unreviewed Has patch: 否 Needs documentation: 否 ...
'bytes' object has no attribute 'read' 错误解析与解决 1. 错误原因 在Python中,'bytes' object has no attribute 'read' 错误通常发生在尝试对一个 bytes 对象调用 read() 方法时。bytes 对象是一种不可变的字节序列,它并不提供 read() 方法。read() 方法通常用于从文件对象或类似文件的对象中读取数据。
True AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'isdecimal' AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'isdecimal' ④ 罗马数字 str1 = "Ⅰ" # byte 数字(单字节) print(str1.isdigit()) print(str1.isdecimal()) print(str1.isnumeric()) 执行以上代码,输出结果为: False False True...
在虚拟环境中执行python3 m pip install upgrade pip 然后就看到报错AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'bytes' 这里在pycharm创建的虚拟环境目录中却报错,最后