①numpy.zeros_like/numpy.empty_like/numpy.ones_like(a,dtype,order, subok, shape)其中: a:array_like,表示创建的新数组定义了和这个对象相同的形状和数据类型; dtype:data-type, optional,重新指定数组元素的数据类型(dtype); order:{‘C’, ‘F’, ‘K’}, optional,存储顺序,'C’表示C-order,'F’...
与Python 句法一样,a//b 表示 a 除 b(除法的商),x**n 表示 xⁿ。 正如加减浮点数时整型数会被转换成浮点数一样,标量也会被转换成数组,这个过程在 NumPy 中被称为广播(broadcast)。 大多数数学函数都有用于处理向量的 NumPy 对应函数: 标量积有自己的运算符: 执行三角函数时也无需循环: 我们可以在整...
numpy.empty_like(a, dtype= None, order= 'K', subok= True) numpy.zeros_like(a, dtype= None, order= 'K', subok= True) numpy.ones_like(a, dtype= None, order= 'K', subok= True)[source] 应用示例: >>> np .asarray( [1,2,3]) array( [1, 2, 3]) >>> np .empty_like( ...
DataFrame.reindex_axis(labels[, axis, …]) #Conform input object to new index with optional filling logic, placing NA/NaN in locations having no value in the previous index. DataFrame.reindex_like(other[, method, …]) #Return an object with matching indices to myself. DataFrame.rename([ind...
方法描述DataFrame.apply(func[, axis, broadcast, …])应用函数DataFrame.applymap(func)Apply a function to a DataFrame that is intended to operate elementwise, i.e.DataFrame.aggregate(func[, axis])Aggregate using callable, string, dict, or list of string/callablesDataFrame.transform(func, *args,...
# o、p、q、r、s、t开头: 'obj2sctype', 'object', 'object0', 'object_', 'ogrid', 'oldnumeric', 'ones', 'ones_like', 'outer', 'packbits', 'pad', 'partition', 'percentile', 'pi', 'piecewise', 'pkgload', 'place', 'pmt', 'poly', 'poly1d', 'polyadd', 'polyder', 'poly...
DataFrame.apply(func[, axis, broadcast, …])应用函数 DataFrame.applymap(func)Apply a function to a DataFrame that is intended to operate elementwise, i.e. DataFrame.aggregate(func[, axis])Aggregate using callable, string, dict, or list of string/callables ...
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2) into shape (2,3) 1. numpy.full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=None, order=‘K’, subok=True, shape=None):返回与给定数组a具有相同形状和数据类型,且用指定元素fill_value填充的数组 ...
*'broadcast': results will be broadcast to the original shape of the DataFrame, the original indexandcolumns will be retained.Thedefaultbehaviour(None) dependsonthereturnvalueof the applied function: list-like results will be returnedasa Series ...
deffilter(self,items=None,like=None,regex=None,axis=None):""" 使用list、正则表达式或者like语法来选择行或者列 参数---items:list-like 索引list、set、tuple或者其他list-like类型 like:string Keep info axis where"arg in col == True"regex:string(regular expression)正则表达式 axis:intorNone默认情况...