if-else statement evaluates the Boolean expression. If the condition is TRUE then, the code present in the “ if “ block will be executed otherwise the code of the “else“ block will be executed Syntax: If (EXPRESSION == TRUE): Statement (Body of the block) else: Statement (Body of ...
2.3 数据类型(Data Type) 前面讲到了,我们可以使用变量来指定不同的数据类型,对网工来说,常用的数据类型的有字符串(String), 整数(Integer), 列表(List), 字典(Dictionary),浮点数(Float),布尔(Boolean)。另外不是很常用的但需要了解的数据类型还包括集合(set), 元组(tuple)以及空值(None),下面一一举例讲解。
ifcondition:# body of if statement Here,conditionis a boolean expression, such asnumber > 5, that evaluates to eitherTrueorFalse. Ifconditionevaluates toTrue, the body of theifstatement is executed. Ifconditionevaluates toFalse, the body of theifstatement will be skipped from execution. Let's...
if i: # i is an int ... ... 关于省略判断条件的常见用法,我大概总结了一下: 不过,切记,在实际写代码时,我们鼓励,除了boolean类型的数据,条件判断最好是显性的。比如,在判断一个整型数是否为0时,我们最好写出判断的条件: 代码语言:javascript 复制 if i != 0: ... 而不是只写出变量名: 代码...
在本文中,我们将介绍Python中使用布尔值的If语句的语法。If语句是Python中的一种条件语句,它用于根据给定条件的真假来执行不同的代码块。布尔值是指True和False两个值,用于表示逻辑上的真和假。阅读更多:Python 教程If语句的基本语法If语句的基本语法如下:
Python 已成为网络自动化的事实标准。许多网络工程师已经每天使用它来自动化网络任务,从配置到操作,再到解决网络问题。在本章中,我们将讨论 Python 中的一个高级主题:挖掘 Python 的多进程特性,并学习如何使用它来加速脚本执行时间。 本章将涵盖以下主题: ...
When you compare two values, the expression is evaluated and Python returns the Boolean answer: ExampleGet your own Python Server print(10>9) print(10==9) print(10<9) Try it Yourself » When you run a condition in an if statement, Python returnsTrueorFalse: ...
You can use Booleans with operators like not, and, or, in, is, ==, and != to compare values and check for membership, identity, or equality. You can also use Boolean testing with an if statement to control the flow of your programs based on the truthiness of an expression. In ...
>>> 'f' in D False >>> if not 'f' in D: print('missing') missing I’ll have much more to say about the if statement and statement syntax in general later in this book, but the form we’re using here is straightforward: it consists of the word if, followed by an expression ...