days_in_month=monthrange(year,month)# 构建新的日期对象new_date=datetime(year,month,min(,days_in_month))returnnew_date# 获取当前日期 加一个月new_date=add_one_month(current_date)print("当前日期:",current_date)print("加一个月后的日期...
代码语言:txt 复制 __add__:加运算 代码语言:txt 复制 __sub__:减运算 代码语言:txt 复制 __mul__:乘运算 代码语言:txt 复制 __div__:除运算 代码语言:txt 复制 __mod__:求余运算 代码语言:txt 复制 __pow__:乘方 运算符重载 Python同样支持运算符重载,我么可以对类的专有方法进行重载,即重新实...
inplace=True) # 替换nan值为空字符dates = [] # 日期列表df_total = [] # 分日期存的所有dflist_total = [] # 每一份word中需要的表数据合集for d in df.groupby('日期'):dates.append(d[0])df_total.append(d[1])for index,date in enumerate(dates):list_oneday = [] # 某一个...
allkernels(twice to skip confirmation).Creatednewwindowinexisting browser session.To access the notebook,openthisfileina browser:file:///home/wesm/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/nbserver-185259-open.htmlOr copy and paste oneofthese URLs:http://localhost:8888/?token=0a77b52fefe52ab83e3c35dff8de...
1.add() 往集合中添加元素 数字、字符串、元组 2.update() 将集合合并 集合随机排列 3.remove() 使用remove删除集合中的元素,如果存在,直接删除,否则,程序报错 4.pop() 使用pop删除是随机删除集合中的元素,如果集合中没有元素,程序报错 5.discard
sched.add_job(job_function, 'cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=5, minute=30, end_date='2024-05-30' Executor 执行器 Executor 在 scheduler 中初始化,另外也可通过 scheduler 的 add_executor 动态添加 Executor。每个executor都会绑定一个 alias,这个作为唯一标识绑定到 Job,在实际执行时会根据 Job...
domlysz/BlenderGIS - Blender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic data healthchecks/healthchecks - Open-source cron job and background task monitoring service, written in Python & Django searxng/searxng - SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results ...
# sftp://[username[:password]@]hostname[:port] # (2) Do not add a trailing slash at the end of the file server path. FILE_SERVER = 'sftp://sftp_user:sftp_pwd@xx.xx.xx.xx' # TIME_SN is a string consisting of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. TIME_SN = '...
Add emilykl to CODEOWNERS Aug 23, 2024 .husky better precommit hook - lint components too Feb 17, 2022 @plotly Merge branch 'dev' into fix-defaultProps Oct 17, 2024 components Fix bug where graph would become unresponsive if an invalid figure wa… ...
, "imageType" : "Screenshot" } ] }, # If there are any specific overrides to above information for Windows 8, # Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 7.1, 8.0, or 8.1, you can add information here. "platformOverrides" : {} } } return listings def get_package_object(): """Gets a sa...