You can access tuple items by referring to the index number, inside square brackets:ExampleGet your own Python Server Print the second item in the tuple: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") print(thistuple[1]) Try it Yourself » ...
FeatureListTuple Is an ordered sequence ✅ ✅ Can contain arbitrary objects ✅ ✅ Can be indexed and sliced ✅ ✅ Can be nested ✅ ✅ Is mutable ✅ ❌Both lists and tuples are sequence data types, which means they can contain objects arranged in order. You can access ...
as_list=[itemforiteminmy_tuple] 三、元组的不可变性 元组的不可变性是其核心特征,这意味着一旦创建,元组的元素就不能被修改、添加或删除。 3.1 元组的修改限制 尝试修改元组元素会导致 TypeError: my_tuple=(1,2,3)my_tuple[0]=4# TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment 同样,尝试...
To access the items in a sublist, simply append an additional index:索引也是根据嵌套来的>>> x[1] ['bb', ['ccc', 'ddd'], 'ee', 'ff'] >>> x[1][0] 'bb' >>> x[1][1] ['ccc', 'ddd'] >>> x[1][2] 'ee' >>> x[1][3] 'ff' >>> x[3] ['hh', 'ii'] >>...
前面讲到了,我们可以使用变量来指定不同的数据类型,对网工来说,常用的数据类型的有字符串(String), 整数(Integer), 列表(List), 字典(Dictionary),浮点数(Float),布尔(Boolean)。另外不是很常用的但需要了解的数据类型还包括集合(set), 元组(tuple)以及空值(None),下面一一举例讲解。
Accessing Values in Lists: To access values in lists, use the square brackets for slicing along with theindex or indicesto obtain value available at that index. Following is a simple example: #!/usr/bin/python list1 = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]; ...
list.reverse() 反向列表中元素 list.sort([func]) 对原列表进行排序 4. Tuple(元组) 1)与列表的区别 类似列表,但列表用[ ]标识,元组用()标识,并且列表元素可二次赋值,但元组元素不能。 2)元组的创建 创建空元组:tuple()。 创建只有一个元素的元组:tuple(a,),必须要在元素后加逗号。 3)元素的访问 虽...
The following core datatypes are provided: str(including basic Unicode support), bytes, bytearray, tuple, list, dict, set, frozenset, array.array, collections.namedtuple, classes and instances. Builtin modules include os, sys, time, re, and struct, etc. Some ports have support for _thread ...
In our database section you will learn how to access and work with MySQL and MongoDB databases: Python MySQL Tutorial Python MongoDB Tutorial Python Exercises Many chapters in this tutorial end with an exercise where you can check your level of knowledge. ...
可以看到tuple仍然快于list,只是并没有如此明显的差异 2. 遍历 In[3]:lst=[iforiinrange(0xffff...