You can access tuple items by referring to the index number, inside square brackets:ExampleGet your own Python Server Print the second item in the tuple: thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry") print(thistuple[1]) Try it Yourself » ...
To access the items in a sublist, simply append an additional index:索引也是根据嵌套来的>>> x[1] ['bb', ['ccc', 'ddd'], 'ee', 'ff'] >>> x[1][0] 'bb' >>> x[1][1] ['ccc', 'ddd'] >>> x[1][2] 'ee' >>> x[1][3] 'ff' >>> x[3] ['hh', 'ii'] >>...
You can access elements of a python tuple usingnegativeindexing. Negative indexing allows you to access the elements of a tuple from the end of the tuple, rather than the beginning. To access the last element of the tuple, you can use the index-1. # Access tuple elements # Using negative...
The example above defines a tuple my_tuple with elements 1, 2, ‘a’, ‘b’, True, and. We can access individual elements of the tuple using indexing, just like lists. However, if we try to change an element of the tuple, it will return an error because tuples are immutable. Usual...
tuple这样的设计当然不是『人为的限制』,事实上,这是一种trade off,tuple以放弃对元素的增删为代价...
for element in my_list: #access elements one by one print(element) print(my_list) #access all elements print(my_list[3]) #access index 3 element print(my_list[0:2]) #access elements from 0 to 1 and exclude 2 print(my_list[::-1]) #access elements in reverse ...
现代Python 标准库秘籍(一) 原文 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 前言 Python 是一种非常强大和广泛使用的语言,具有功能齐全的标准库。人们说它是“电池
If we wanted to convert these tuples into a list, we would use the list() constructor, and our print function would look like this: print(list((index, value))) Conclusion In this article we went through four different methods that help us access an index and its corresponding value in...
Usingenumerate()method you can access an index of iterable objects. enumerate()method has two parameters: iterable objects( such as lists, and tuple) and start parameters. enumerate()method starts with 0(by default). It returns enumerated objects. ...
File "", line 3 except IndexError, ValueError: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax💡 ExplanationTo add multiple Exceptions to the except clause, you need to pass them as parenthesized tuple as the first argument. The second argument is an optional name, which when supplied will bind the Exception...