The Python programming language does not have a built in switch/case control structure as found in many other high level programming languages. It is thought by some that this is a deficiency in the language, and the control structure should be added. This paper demonstrates that not only is...
不过,之所以会出现这种情况,也许跟他的预设立场有关:他似乎认为“Python is fine without a switch statement”,因此尽管写了很长的 PEP,但只是在把问题复杂化,把议题搁置起来。最后,他在 PyCon 上做了一个小范围调查,借此“名正言顺”地拒绝了自己发起的 PEP,试图堵住众人的悠悠之口……4、未来会有 s...
if语句的一般形式如下所示:if condition_1: statement_block_1elif condition_2: statement_block_2else: statement_block_3 如果 "condition_1" 为 True 将执行 "statement_block_1" 块语句 如果 "condition_1" 为False,将判断 "condition_2"如果"condition_2" 为 True 将执行 "statement_block_2...
if<condition>:<statement><statement> < condition > 是条件表达式,基本格式为< expr >< relop >< expr >;< statement >是语句主体。判断条件如果为真(True)就执行语句,如果为假(False)就跳过语句,执行下一条语句。条件判断通常有布尔表达式(True、False)、关系表达式(>、<、>=、<=、= =、!=)和逻辑运算...
SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement 这是因为整体复制过去运行而产生的错误;解决方案如下: 方法一:先将第一行复制,敲一下回车,再将剩下的部分复制过去,运行; 方法二:Ctrl+N,新建一个,这时直接将代码复制进来,就不会产生这个问题了;直接在IDLE中编译,是每行都要回车的。如...
但是,在 Python 中,我们看不到 switch-case 或者相近的语法结构,这是为什么呢? 2、Python 为什么不支持 switch? 官方文档中有一篇 FAQ 包含了这个问题:Why isn’t there a switch or case statement in Python? FAQ 即 Frequently Asked Questions 的缩写,表示常见问题,官方列了 27 个常见问题,完整清单在此:...
由于python 并不支持 switch 语句,所以多个条件判断,只能用 elif 来实现,如果判断需要多个条件需同时判断时,可以使用 or (或),表示两个条件有一个成立时判断条件成功;使用 and (与)时,表示只有两个条件同时成立的情况下,判断条件才成功。 例3:if语句多个条件 ...
In comparison with the if-else ladder, a switch statement works much faster. It happens because of a jump table that is generated by the compiler for a switch during compilation. As an outcome, during execution, rather than checking which case is satisfied, it only decides which case has to...
由于Python不支持switch语句,因此,当存在多个条件判断时,我们需要用else if来实现,这在Python中的表达是 elif。语法如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 if condition_1: statement_1 elif condition_2: statement_2 ... elif condition_i: statement_i else: statement_n 整个条件语句是顺序执行的,如果遇到一个条件...
In Java, for example, the switch statement is limited to matching only scalar values (like integers and enum types), whereas Python's match-case offers a much more flexible pattern matching capability, allowing for matching complex data types, such as sequences and class instances. This makes ...