if语句的一般形式如下所示:if condition_1: statement_block_1elif condition_2: statement_block_2else: statement_block_3 如果 "condition_1" 为 True 将执行 "statement_block_1" 块语句 如果 "condition_1" 为False,将判断 "condition_2"如果"condition_2" 为 True 将执行 "statement_block_2...
Advanced Use Cases of Match and Case in Python Data science applications Python's match-case statement can be highly useful in data preprocessing tasks in data science. Preprocessing often involves categorizing data into different groups based on specific criteria. For example, in a dataset of anima...
In this article, there is much emphasis on the switch case statement because there are many factors that clarify why the switch case statement has the upper hand in comparison to the if-else statement. The factors are: In comparison with the if-else ladder, a switch statement works much fas...
在上一篇Python自动化测试系列文章:Python自动化之Python常用运算符,主要介绍Python中的算术运算符、赋值运算符、比较运算符、布尔运算符、成员运算符、身份运算符。 今天我们主要介绍Python中条件语句的单分支结构、双分支结构、多分支结构、嵌套if。 一 什么是条件语句? Python中的条件语句简单来说, 根据不同结果执行...
Structural pattern matching has been added in the form of a match statement and case statements of patterns with associated actions. Patterns consist of sequences, mappings, primitive data types as well as class instances. Pattern matching enables programs to extract information from complex data type...
The Python programming language does not have a built in switch/case control structure as found in many other high level programming languages. It is thought by some that this is a deficiency in the language, and the control structure should be added. This paper demonstrates that not only is...
statement_block_1elifcondition_2: ## 该分支可选,可以0个或多个 statement_block_2else:## 该分支可选statement_block_3 if 语句包含零个或多个elif子句,及可选的else子句。关键字 'elif' 是 'else if' 的缩写,适用于避免过多的缩进。可以把if...elif...elif... 序列看作是其他语言中switch或case语...
python if condition_1: statement_block_1 elif condition_2: statement_block_2 else: statement_block_3 如果"condition_1" 为 True 将执行 "statement_block_1" 块语句 如果"condition_1" 为False,将判断 "condition_2" 如果"condition_2" 为 True 将执行 "statement_block_2" 块语句 如果"condition_2...
classPythonSwitchStatement:defswitch(self,month): default="Invalidmonth"returngetattr(self,'case_'+str(month),lambda:default)()defcase_1(self):return"January"defcase_2(self):return"February"defcase_3(self):return"March"defcase_4(self):return"April"defcase_5(self):return"May"defcase_6(self...
statement(s); } “` 在switch语句中,expression是一个常量表达式,必须是一个整型或枚举类型。在一个switch中可以有任意数量的case语句。每个case后跟一个要比较的值和一个冒号。case的constant-expression必须与switch中的变量具有相同的数据类型,且必须是一个常量或字面量。当被测试的变量等于case中的常量时,case后...