写在前面: 对于我前几天所做的的脱敏工具的使用,在运行中出现了如下严重错误:python中关于Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409),上网查找了好久,最后还是通过Dbug模式,检测出来是一个相当弱智的错误(捂脸) 解决: 通过Dbug模式,检测出,在调用另一个py模块的函数的时候,后面的一些语句没用进去...
pythonprocess进程pythonprocessfinished 写在前面:对于我前几天所做的的脱敏工具的使用,在运行中出现了如下严重错误:python中关于Processfinished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409),上网查找了好久,最后还是通过Dbug模式,检测出来是一个相当弱智的错误(捂脸)解决:通过Dbug模式,检测出,在调用另一个py模块的函数...
Process finished with exit code 0 去掉注释结果: My name is Mike My age is 18 My name is Mike My name is Mike My age is 18 My age is 18 My age is 18 My name is Mike My name is Mike My age is 18 End Process finished with exit code 0 除了上面这些开启进程的方法之外,还有一种以...
Pycharm无法debug问题 Pycharm无法debug,但是能正常跑网络。错误信息pydevdebugger:process28119isconnectingProcessfinished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005) 更改PyQt兼容性,直接去掉勾。 能进行debug但是最后会意外终止错误信息Processfinished with exit
alarm(5) # child processes except SystemExit as e: # if we exit cleanly from fork_processes, all the child processes # finished with status 0 self.assertEqual(e.code, 0) self.assertTrue(task_id() is None) sock.close() return try: if asyncio is not None: # Reset the global asyncio...
name + ' with pid ' + str(os.getpid()) + ' finished cleanly.') return 浏览完整代码 来源:queues_manager.py 项目:laliberte/cdb_query 示例11 def getTaskProcess(self): while True: array=[] if self.taskleft()>0: for i in range(10): try: req = self.q_request.get(block=True,time...
odoo Windows10中使用pycharm启动debug模式报错(Process finished with exit code -1073740940 (0xC0000374)) 2019-12-25 15:58 − 参考:https://www.sunpop.cn/odoo13_bug_fixed_can_not_debug_on_python_3-7/ 环境介绍: 操作系统:Win 10; 开发工具:pycharm python版本:3.6 问题描述: 在启动调试时,....
Python传递命令行参数 Python的命令行参数传递和C语言类似,都会把命令行参数保存到argv的变量中。对于...