(exc_type, AssertionError): if _stop_on_fail: self.msg = None return else: fmt_tb = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) if self.msg is not None: log_failure(f"{exc_val}, {self.msg}", tb=fmt_tb) else: log_failure(exc_val, tb=fmt_tb) self.msg = None...
7.在第一个(或N个)失败后停止 pytest -x # stop after first failure pytest --maxfail=2 # stop after two failures 8.跳过测试 使用pytest.mark.skip标记需要跳过的用例 @pytest.mark.skip(reason="not finished") def test_send_http(): pass 也支持使用 pytest.mark.skipif 为测试函数指定被忽略的条...
plugin and per-project ones).-x,--exitfirst exit instantly on first error or failed test.--fixtures, --funcargsshow available fixtures, sorted by plugin appearance (fixtureswithleading '_' are only shownwith'-v')--fixtures-per-test show fixtures per...
failures and exits successfully. --sw, --stepwise Exit on test failure and continue from last failing test next time --sw-skip, --stepwise-skip Ignore the first failing test but stop on the next failing test. Implicitly enables --stepwise. Reporting: --durations=N Show N slowest setup/tes...
pytest -h | --help # show help on command line and config file options 命令行和配置文件帮助 失败后停止 pytest -x # stop after first failure 首次失败后停止运行 pytest --maxfail=2 # stop after two failures 两次失败后停止执行 选择测试用例 ...
--screenshot={on,off,only-on-failure} Whether to automatically capture a screenshot after each test. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 调整pytest-playwright.py文件 调整该文件的目的是想再使用如下命令: ...
allure_args = —clean —output-dir=allure-results —host=localhost —port=4445 —name=test_suite_name —disable-features=auto_start,stop_on_first_failure,global_tags,dynamic_params,filter_features,stop_on_first_error,junit_report,junit_xml,disable_features=dynamic_params,junit_xml,disable_features...
pytest -x # stop after first failure 首次失败后停止运行 pytest --maxfail=2 # stop after two failures 两次失败后停止执行 1. 选择测试用例 pytest test_mod.py # run tests in module 执行模块中的用例 pytest somepath # run all tests below somepath 执行路径中的用例 pytest -k stringexpr # onl...
Session timeouts are cooperative timeouts. pytest-timeout checks the session time at the end of each test function, and stops further tests from running if the session timeout is exceeded. The session will results in a test failure if this occurs. ...
-x # Stop running the tests after the first failure is reached. --html=report.html # Creates a detailed pytest-html report after tests finish. --co | --collect-only # Show what tests would get run. (Without running them) --co -q # (Both options together!) - Do a dry run with...