多线程执行用例之 pytest-parallel 用于并行和并发测试的 pytest 插件 1 pip install pytest-parallel 常用参数配置 --workers=n :多进程运行需要加此参数, n是进程数。默认为1 --tests-per-worker=n :多线程需要添加此参数,n是线程数 如果两个参数都配置了,就是进程并行;每个进程最多n个线程,总线程数:...
7.pytest-parallel-实现测试用例的并行运行 安装:>pip install pytest-parallel 创建test_parallel.py文件: 1fromtimeimportsleep23deftest_01():4sleep(3)56deftest_02():7sleep(5)89deftest_03():10sleep(6) 不使用线程运行测试用例 ,勇士14.07s,使用线程>pytest test.py --tests-per-worker auto 虽然并...
Parallel Testing With pytest Selenium Running tests sequentially can take immense time and effort. Performing tests in parallel help you improve the scalability of your Selenium test automation. In this Selenium pytest tutorial, learn how to run parallel tests with Selenium Python and pytest on an ...
使用多线程方式:pytest -q test_parallel.py --tests-per-worker auto, "auto"表示自动分配,但是测试不能在windows上执行,故不做结果展示 pytest-parallel的更多用法 pytest --worker 2 pytest --worker auto pytest --tests-per-worker 4 pytest --tests-per-worker auto pytest --workers 2 --tests-per-w...
pytest tests/ 要运行指定的某个测试用例,我们需要其ID,包括测试模块和名称: pytest tests/test_basics.py::test_add_can_add_numbers 我们还可以使用-k参数来通过关键字表达式选择运行的测试用例。在表达式中可以使用运算符and、or、not和圆括号,来修饰文件名、类名和函数名。搜索方式是模糊查询,而且文档也不太全...
Pytest-parallel : 1、同时支持多线程、多进程两种方式执行测试用例-workers=n 2、指定运行的进程数为 n,默认为1,windows系统中只能为1 3、--tests-per-worker=m 指定运行的线程数为 m 4、若两个参数都指定,则表示启动n个进程,每个进程最多启动m线程执行,总线程数 = 进程数 * 线程数 ...
Running Tests: -n option designates number of parallel tests and -s to disable output capture.Tests in Parallel: $ py.test -s -n 2 tests Dump session ids for the SauceLabs CI plugins: $ cat $(find . -name "*.testlog") Sauce Labs DashboardAdvice/Troubleshooting...
PyTest Tutorial – Python Selenium Test in Parallel Conclusion In this Selenium Python tutorial, we saw how parameterization in pytest can be useful to test multiple scenarios by changing only the input values. Rather than supplying the test data manually; pytest.fixture, @pytest.mark.parametrize de...
learnautomatedtesting paralleltestingpythonseleniumdocker Repository An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.main paralleltestingpythonseleniumdocker pytest.ini Find file Blame History Permalink update learnautomatedtesting authored 8 months ago 25b03ffb ...
pytest-xdist is great to run tests that: aren't threadsafe perform poorly when multithreaded need state isolation pytest-parallel is better for some use cases (like Selenium tests) that: can be threadsafe can use non-blocking IO for http requests to make it performant manage little or no stat...