点我复制# test_01.pyimportpytestdeftest_01():"""用例描述:XXXXXX"""print("测试一下")assert1 点我复制# conftest.pyimportpytest@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True, tryfirst=True)defpytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):print("---Start---") out =yieldres = out.get_result()print("执行结果...
function默认模式为@pytest.fixture() 函数级别,即scope="function",scope可以不写。每一个函数或方法都会调用,每个测试用例执行前都会执行一次function级别的fixture。 # @pytest.fixture(scope="function")等价于@pytest.fixture() @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def func_auto(): """用例级别fixture,作用域...
importpytest@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True, tryfirst=True)defpytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):print('---')# 获取钩子方法的调用结果out =yieldprint('用例执行结果', out)# 从钩子方法的调用结果中获取测试报告report = out.get_result()print('测试报告:%s'% report)print('步骤:%s'% report....
2、可以获取钩子方法pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call)的调用结果(yield返回一个测试用例执行后的result对象)和调用结果result对象中的测试报告(返回一个report对象) pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call)钩子函数参数解释: 1、item是测试用例对象; 2、call是测试用例的测试步骤;具体执行过程如下: ①先执行when=...
Given these contents in a test_main.py file, we can see how Pytest behaves running the tests:Python Copy # contents of test_main.py file def test_main(): assert True In the command line, in the same path where the test_main.py file exists, we can run the pytest executable:...
一、Hook 方法之 pytest_runtest_makereport源码: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 @hookspec(firstresult=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): """ return a :py:class:`_pytest.runner.TestReport` object for the given :py:class:`pytest.Item <_pytest.main...
Can rununittest(or trial) test suites out of the box Python 3.9+ or PyPy3 Rich plugin architecture, with over 1300+external pluginsand thriving community Documentation For full documentation, including installation, tutorials and PDF documents, please seehttps://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/. ...
@pytest.mark.xfail(condition,reason=None,run=True,raises=None,strict=False):mark the testfunctionasan expected failureifeval(condition)has a True value.Optionally specify a reasonforbetter reporting and run=Falseifyou don't even want to execute the testfunction.If only specificexception(s)are exp...
luate to True. Optionally specify a reason for better reporting and run=False if you don't even want to execute the test function. If only specific exception(s) are expe cted, you can list them in raises, and if the test fails in other ways, it will be reported as a true failure...
pytest-randomlyforces your tests to run in a random order.pytestalways collects all the tests it can find before running them.pytest-randomlyjust shuffles that list of tests before execution. This is a great way to uncover tests that depend on running in a specific order, which means they ...