借助于装饰器@pytest.mark.run(order=1)控制测试运行的顺序 import pytest import time value=0 @pytest.mark.run(order=2) #后执行order=2 def test_add2(): print("I am 2") time.sleep(2) assert value==10 @pytest.mark.run(order=1) #先执行order=1 def test_add(): print("I am add") ...
# will select TestMyClass.test_something # but not TestMyClass.test_method_simple py.test test_mod.py::test_func # only run tests that match the "node ID", # e.g "test_mod.py::test_func" will select # only test_func in test_mod.py 6、测试报告 pytest可以方便的生成测试报告,即可...
在单测类中,可以包含一个或多个test_开头的函数。此时,在执行pytest命令时,会自动从当前目录及子目录中寻找符合上述约束的测试函数来执行。 1.4 Pytest运行方式 # file_name: test_abc.pyimport pytest # 引入pytest包def test_a(): # test开头的测试函数print("--->test_a")assert 1 # 断言成功def test...
only run tests matching given mark expression.example: -m 'mark1 and not mark2'. pytest isr_test.py -v -s -m 'aqc2vinfo' 效果等同上面指定类名运行,但它可扩展运行更多的用例。 3、直接运行isr_test.py下TestAqc2vinfoClass下的test_aqc2vinfo_equal_one方法用例。 pytest isr_test.py::Tes...
一.pytest运行方式介绍 pytest有两种种方式运行,命令行,以及pytest.main()方法。推荐使用命令行。 pytest.main([“参数,用逗号隔开”]) 二.命令行方式 pytest常见参数,详细 pytest --help -k EXPRESSION only run test
Pass additional py.test command-line options using--addopts. Set permanent options for thepython setup.py pytestcommand (likeindex-url) in the[pytest]section ofsetup.cfg. Set permanent options for thepy.testrun (likeaddoptsorpep8ignore) in the[pytest]section ofpytest.iniortox.inior put them...
假设希望选中test_judge_user_login_or_not.py和test_get_banner_HomePage两个测试文件中的用例【可以根据筛选条件同时选择匹配多个测试】: pytest -k"user or banner"--collect-only 当然也可以运行所有的测试,根据用例名称筛选排除掉某些用例:pytest -k "not user" --collect-only ...
14:收集用例不运行统计用例总数pytest --collect-only 15:按指定顺序执行 python3 -p pip install pytest-ordering run标签 @pytest.mark.run(order=1) @pytest.mark.run(order=2) order=1>order=2先执行,然后顺序执行 16:pytest.ini配置文件改变执行规则--先下载ini插件 ...
INTERNALERROR> E self.run_one_test() INTERNALERROR> E File "C:\Users\JSMITH\repos\project\venv\Lib\site-packages\xdist\remote.py", line 174, in run_one_test INTERNALERROR> E self.config.hook.pytest_runtest_protocol(item=item, nextitem=nextitem) ...
Essentially, parametrize allows you to run the same test function with different inputs efficiently, making it easier to run detailed and varied assertions with less code.When calling parametrize, the first argument is a string containing one or more argument names, for example, "test\_input_"....