qtbot, window = qtbot_fixture# 模拟点击按钮qtbot.mouseClick(window.button, Qt.LeftButton)# 等待 GUI 更新(这里不是直接使用 waitUntil,但可以使用 qtbot 的等待功能)qtbot.wait(100)# 或者使用更复杂的等待条件# 验证标签文本是否更新assertwindow.label.text() =='Clicked!' 解释 导入必要的模块:首先,...
一些资源创建成本很高,但因为它们是不可变的或者可以恢复到原始状态,所以应该只创建一次,并与需要它的所有测试共享,在最后一个需要它们的测试完成时销毁。 pytest 最重要的功能之一是覆盖所有先前的要求和更多内容。 本章我们将涵盖以下内容: 引入fixtures 使用conftest.py文件共享 fixtures 作用域 自动使用 参数化 使用...
11, qt-4.1.0, sphinx-0.4.0 collected 2 items tests/test_plotting.py::test_create_menu_bar QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidgetAdd an assert to the offending test for details def test_create_menu_bar(qtbot): assert QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() is not None menu_...
据我所知,创建临时驱动器ac的正常方法如下:def copy_path_file(qtbot, request, tmpdir): """Setup Project 浏览0提问于2019-01-02得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 未正确设置pytest.ini值 、、、 尝试动态地在pytest.ini文件中设置选项。选项testpath确定pytest将从哪些目录收集测试。我希望让用户能够选择测试...
It will be nice to have pytest fixture to check if the Signal was emitted. Something similar to qtbot.wati_singal and qtbot.wait_signals This will be really helpful when using tread propagation of Signals.
Note:although some may appear as "broken" keep in mind that all dependencies may not be installed during testing, particularly if a dependency is too big or requires a dedicated server (such aspytest-jira, which requires a jira server, orpytest-qt, which requires PyQt or PySide, both which...
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com> main (#242) dependabot[bot] authored Feb 7, 2022 Verified 1 parent cf145a9 commit 8df0aaf Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 ...
pytest plugin for Qt (PyQt5/PyQt6 and PySide2/PySide6) application testing - Issues · pytest-dev/pytest-qt
A system tray based build status notification app for cctray.xml feeds. - Merge pull request #231 from anaynayak/dependabot/pip/pytest-6.2.5 · anaynayak/buildnotify@6e8a303