def main(args=None, plugins=None): """ return exit code, after performing an in-process test run. :arg args: list of command line arguments. :arg plugins: list of plugin objects to be auto-registered during initialization. """ from _pytest.main import EXIT_USAGEERROR try: try: config ...
pytest.main()源码 defmain(args:Optional[Union[List[str],py.path.local]]=None,plugins:Optional[Sequence[Union[str,_PluggyPlugin]]]=None,)->Union[int,ExitCode]:"""Perform an in-process test run. :param args: List of command line arguments. :param plugins: List of plugin objects to be ...
【包括运行的测试用例(例如;运行测试用例的命令行参数(例如:-vs)】 plugins 传一个list对象,list 里面是初始化的时候需注册的插件。 defmain(args=None, plugins=None):"""return exit code, after performing an in-process test run. :arg args: list of command line arguments. :arg plugin...
一、简介 在pytest框架也有一个入口,那就是pytest.main(),可以作为用例执行入口,下面我们对pytest.main()进行讲解。 image.png 重点参数说明 args :param args: List of command line arguments. 翻译:参数 args:就是参数传入已列表的方式 main() 命令行参数详情 -s: 显示程序中的print/logging输出 -v: 丰富...
" return exit code, after performing an in-process test run.:arg args: list of command line ...
[pytest];addopts : Configure pytest command line argumentsaddopts=--html=./report/report.html --self-contained-html --tb=short --cache-clear --color=yes;testpaths : Test file pathtestpaths=./task;python_files : Test file namepython_files=test_*.py;python_classes : Test class namepython...
markers (linelist): markers for test functions empty_parameter_set_mark (string): default marker for empty parametersets norecursedirs (args): directory patterns to avoid for recursion testpaths (args): directories to search for tests when no files or directories are given in the command line....
defmain(args=None, plugins=None):""" return exit code, after performing an in-process test run. :arg args: list of command line arguments. :arg plugins: list of plugin objects to be auto-registered during initialization. """from_pytest.mainimportEXIT_USAGEERRORtry:try: ...
markers (linelist): markers for test functions empty_parameter_set_mark (string): default marker for empty parametersets norecursedirs (args): directory patterns to avoid for recursion testpaths (args): directories to search for tests when no files or directories are given in the command line....
defmain(args=None,plugins=None):"""returnexit code,after performing anin-process test run.:arg args:listofcommand line arguments.:arg plugins:listofplugin objects to be auto-registered during initialization.""" from _pytest.mainimportEXIT_USAGEERRORtry:try:config=_prepareconfig(args,plugins)except...