对该结果进行 assert,False时立即终止。 1defclick(self, step):2method_name =sys._getframe().f_code.co_name3try:4element = self.find_element(**step['element_loc'])5ifstep.has_key('times'):6foriinrange(step['times']):7element.click()8else:9element.click()10returnTrue11except:12pri...
assert self.attr class RealTest(unittest.TestCase, TestHello): attr = 42 """ ) reprec = pytester.inline_run(testpath) > reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) E AssertionError: ([<TestReport 'test_noclass_discovery_if_not_testcase.py::RealTest::test_hello' when='call' outcome='pass...
In the failure traceback we see that the test function was called with a smtp_connection argument, the smtplib.SMTP() instance created by the fixture function. The test function fails on our deliberate assert 0. Here is the exact protocol used by pytest to call the test function this way:...
assertEqual(a, b) # 判断a和b是否相等 assertNotEqual(a, b) # 判断a不等于b assertTrue(a) # 判断a是否为Ture assertFalse(a) #判断a是否为False assertIn(a, b) # a 包含在b里面 asserNotIn(a, b) # a 不包含在b里面 Pytest assert 后面加需要断言的条件就可以了,例如: assert a = = b ...
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing - pytest/src/_pytest/main.py at main · pytest-dev/pytest
1、检查命名格式是否规范 .py文件必须以test_开头(或者_test结尾) 测试类必须以Test开头,且不能有init方法 测试方法必须以test_开头 断言必须用assert 2、.py文件是否改过名字 分享刚踩的坑:如图 文件以及函数命名都符合规范,但是运行就是提示collected 0 items,百思不得其解,百度N次后,终于解决。 原因:修改过...
In our use case, for example, pytest truncates parameters passed to functions called from assertion statements: E AssertionError: assert None is not None E + where None = search('\\n\\*\\s.*\\b[Tt]upla item 0\\b', '@beartyped pep_hinted() parameter pep_hinte...
- cache result on action object as this is called at least 2 times """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Use more accurate terminal width via pylib.""" if "width" not in kwargs: kwargs["width"] = py.io.ge...
nets_or_steps, copy_net)276 return core.scoped_execution_step(277 _get_next_step_name('_RunOnceIfNot', name),278 nets_or_steps,279 should_stop_blob=condition_blob,280 only_once=True,281 )282def For(name, nets_or_steps, iter_num):283 """284 Execute nets_or_steps iter_num times....
assert a in b # 判断b包含a 用例前置和后置 Unittest 通过setup每个用例执行前执行,teardown每个用例执行后执行 通过setupclass类里面所有用例执行前执行,teardownclass类里面所有用例执行后执行 Pytest 模块级别:setup_module/teardown_module,整个.py全部用例开始前执行/全部用例执行完后执行 ...