The first problem in your code is date_format returns string column and not timestamp so casting it directly without specifying format while casting will return null and second problem was that date_sub returns a date and not a timestamp so you will use your hour min and seconds if you us...
functions.window(df.col(“timestamp”), “1 minutes”, “30 seconds”) 窗口函数的入参有3个 Column : 这里我们用的是df.col(“timestamp”) ,它就是我们每条访问记录发生的时间,注意选择的列在dataset里面必须是Timestamp类型的,你应该有注意到我sql里有对该字段转过一次类型的 cast (get_json_object ...
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_unixtime # 创建一个DataFrame,包含时间戳列 data = [(1, 1612345678), (2, 1613456789), (3, 1614567890)] df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["id", "timestamp"]) # 使用from_unixtime函数将时间戳解析为日期和时间格式 df = df.withColumn("datetime", from...
例如,假设有两个时间戳timestamp1和timestamp2,可以使用以下代码计算它们之间的月份差异: 计算月份差异:使用pyspark的内置函数months_between计算两个时间戳之间的月份差异。例如,假设有两个时间戳timestamp1和timestamp2,可以使用以下代码计算它们之间的月份差异: month_diff将返回一个浮点数,表示两个时间戳之间的...
I read from a CSV where column time contains a timestamp with miliseconds '1414250523582' When I use TimestampType in schema it returnns NULL. The only way it ready my data is to use StringType. Now I need this value to be a Datetime for forther processing. First I god rid of the...