语法:dataframe.sort([‘列名’],升序=假).show() 代码: Python3实现 # sort the dataframe based on # employee name column in descending order dataframe.sort(['Employee NAME'], ascending=False).show() 输出: +---+---+---+ |Employee_ID|EmployeeNAME|Company| +---+---+---+ |4|sridev...
# sort in descending order by avg_marks df.groupBy("Name") .agg(avg("Marks").alias("Avg_Marks")) .sort(desc("Avg_Marks")) .show() # stop sparks session spark.stop() 输出: 示例3:在此示例中,我们将按名称和聚合标记对dataframe进行分组。我们将使用 orderBy() 函数对表格进行排序,在该函...
# show dataframe by sorting the dataframe # based on two columns in descending order dataframe.sort(['college','student NAME'], ascending = False).show() 输出: 方法二:使用 orderBy()函数。 orderBy()函数对一列或多列进行排序。默认情况下,它按升序排序。
In this example, we have set theascendingparameter to False in thesort()method. Hence, the dataframe is sorted by theMathscolumn in descending order. If you are using thecol()function to sort the pyspark dataframe, you can use thedesc()method on the column of the pyspark. When we invoke...
在PySpark 1.3中,sort方法不带升序参数,可以使用desc方法:
x: list of Column or column names to sort by decreasing: Boolean value to sort in descending order na.last: Boolean value to put NA at the end 编程需要懂一点英语 示例1:按员工“姓名”的升序对数据框进行排序。 蟒蛇3 # Sort the dataframe by ascending# order of 'Name'df.sort(["Name"],...
宽转换的示例包括groupBy,reduceBy,join等。 The groupBy is a transformation in which the values of the column are grouped to form a unique set of values. To perform this operation is costly in distributed environments because all the values to be grouped must be collected from various partitions...
To filter in descending order, use desc:Python Копирај df_customer.sort(col("c_custkey").desc()) The following example shows how to sort on two columns:Python Копирај df_sorted = df_customer.orderBy(col("c_acctbal").desc(), col("c_custkey").asc()) df_...
PySpark DataFrame groupBy and Sort by Descending Order PySpark Groupby Count Distinct PySpark Column Class | Operators & Functions PySpark Column alias after groupBy() Example PySpark Get Number of Rows and Columns References https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.3.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html...
PySpark Column alias after groupBy() Example PySpark DataFrame groupBy and Sort by Descending Order PySpark Count of Non null, nan Values in DataFrame PySpark Count Distinct from DataFrame PySpark – Find Count of null, None, NaN Values