Rename columnsTo rename a column, use the withColumnRenamed method, which accepts the existing and new column names:Python Копирај df_customer_flag_renamed = df_customer_flag.withColumnRenamed("balance_flag", "balance_flag_renamed") The alias method is especially helpful when you ...
在这一部分中,我将讨论如何训练一个分布式多项式logistic回归(MLR)模型,并将其应用于测试数据集以确定突变的类别。 同样,为了简洁起见,我在本文中只分享了代码的某些部分:
3.3 Data cleaning in PySpark # rename spark_energy column name 'KWH/hh (per half hour)'new_names=['LCLid','stdorToU','DateTime','KWH_hh','Acorn','Acorn_grouped']spark_energy=spark_energy.toDF(*new_names)spark_energy.printSchema()# rename spark_tariffs column name 'TariffDateTime'new_...
After load data, lets do some check of the dataset such as numbers of columns, numbers of observations, names of columns, type of columns, etc. In this part, we also do some changes like rename columns name if the column name too long, change the data type if data type not in accord...
# Rename year column planes = planes.withColumnRenamed("year", "plane_year") # Join the DataFrames model_data = flights.join(planes, on="tailnum", how="leftouter") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cast 可以转换列的数据类型 result = table1.join(table1,['字段'],"full").withColumn("名称",col(...
# Rename year columnplanes=planes.withColumnRenamed("year","plane_year")# Join the DataFramesmodel_data=flights.join(planes,on="tailnum",how="leftouter") cast 可以转换列的数据类型 result=table1.join(table1,['字段'],"full").withColumn("名称",col("字段")/col("字段")) ...
I can also join by conditions, but it creates duplicate column names if the keys have the same name, which is frustrating. For now, the only way I know to avoid this is to pass a list of join keys as in the previous cell. If I want to make nonequi joins, then I need to renam...
Rename the aggregation of the previous step fromcount(overall)toreviews_numby choosingManage Columnsand theRename columntransform. Finally, we want to create a heatmap to visualize the distribution of reviews by year and by month. On the analysis tab, chooseCustom vi...
To rename all columns use toDF with the desired column names in the argument list. This example puts an X in front of all column names. df = auto_df.toDF(*["X" + name for name in auto_df.columns]) # Code snippet result: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ...