titles_data= movies.map(lambda line: line.split("|")[:2]).collect() titles = dict(titles_data) titles moviesForUser = ratings.keyBy(lambda rating: rating.user).lookup(789) type(moviesForUser) list moviesForUser = sorted(moviesForUser,key=lambda r: r.rating, reverse=True)[0:10] movi...
frompyspark.sqlimportSparkSessionfrompyspark.sqlimportfunctionsasF# 创建SparkSession对象spark=SparkSession.builder.appName("pyspark_agg_collect_list").getOrCreate()# 读取数据源并创建DataFramedf=spark.read.csv("data.csv",header=True,inferSchema=True)# 分组聚合操作grouped_df=df.groupBy("group_column")...
>>> df.select(regexp_replace('str','(\d+)','--').alias('d')).collect()[Row(d=u'---')] 9.108 pyspark.sql.functions.repeat(col,n):New in version 1.5. 重复一个字符串列n次,并将其作为新的字符串列返回 >>> df=sqlContext.createDataFrame([('ab',)],['s',])>>> df.select(...
pyspark.sql.functions.collect_list(col) 1.2 collect_list() Examples In our example, we have a columnnameandlanguages, if you see theJameslike 3 books (1 book duplicated) andAnnalikes 3 books (1 book duplicate) Now, let’s say you wanted to group bynameand collect all values oflanguagesa...
# Name column here is the key while Age # columns is the value # You can also use {row['Age']:row['Name'] # for row in df_pyspark.collect()}, # to reverse the key,value pairs # collect() gives a list of # rows in the DataFrame result_dict = {row['Name']: row['Age']...
filtered_data = data.filter(data["column"] > 10) 执行SQL 查询: 使用PySpark 提供的 SQL 接口,可以在 DataFrame 上执行 SQL 查询。 # 创建临时视图 data.createOrReplaceTempView("my_table") # 执行 SQL 查询 result = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE column > 10") ...
def compile_array_collect(t, expr, scope, **kwargs): op = expr.op() src_column = t.translate(op.arg, scope) return F.collect_list(src_column) # --- Null Operations --- Example #7Source File: listening_activity.py From listenbrainz-server with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 vot...
您试图应用Python对Column对象进行理解(grouped_df["name"]返回Column not list)。实际上,当你使用collect_list函数时,Spark会忽略null值,所以你不需要获取数组中的第一个非null值,只需要选择第一个元素:
spark中的所有collect函数(collect\u set、collect\u list)都是不确定的,因为收集结果的顺序取决于...
Column对象记录一列数据并包含列的信息 2.DataFrame之DSL """ 1. agg: 它是GroupedData对象的API, 作用是 在里面可以写多个聚合 2. alias: 它是Column对象的API, 可以针对一个列 进行改名 3. withColumnRenamed: 它是DataFrame的API, 可以对DF中的列进行改名, 一次改一个列, 改多个列 可以链式调用 ...