下面是一个简单的示例,将一个字符串字段转换为整数字段: frompyspark.sqlimportSparkSessionfrompyspark.sql.functionsimportcol# 创建Spark会话spark=SparkSession.builder.appName("Change column type").getOrCreate()# 创建一个示例DataFramedata=[("Alice","30"),("Bob","25"),("Cathy","35")]df=spark.c...
In this short "How to" article, we will learn how to change the data type of a column in Pandas and PySpark DataFrames.
# change column data type data.withColumn("oldColumn", data.oldColumn.cast("integer")) (2)条件筛选数据 # filter data by pass a string temp1 = data.filter("col > 1000") # filter data by pass a column of boolean value temp2 = data.filter(data.col > 1000) (3)选择数据 # select ba...
fillna(0) #change data type for col in cat_features: df = df.withColumn(col,df[col].cast(StringType())) for col in num_features: df = df.withColumn(col,df[col].cast(DoubleType())) df = df.withColumn('is_true_flag',df['ist_true_flag'].cast(IntegerType())) ?转onehot 代码...
In some cases you may want to change the data type for one or more of the columns in your DataFrame. To do this, use the cast method to convert between column data types. The following example shows how to convert a column from an integer to string type, using the col method to ...
join data using broadcasting 流水线式处理数据 删除无效得行 划分数据集 Split the content of _c0 on the tab character (aka, '\t') Add the columns folder, filename, width, and height Add split_cols as a column spark 分布式存储 # Don't change this query query = "FROM flights SELECT * ...
These arguments can either be the column name as a string (one for each column) or a column object (using the df.colName syntax). When you pass a column object, you can perform operations like addition or subtraction on the column to change the data contained in it, much like inside ...
# To convert the type of a column using the .cast() method, you can write code like this:dataframe=dataframe.withColumn("col",dataframe.col.cast("new_type"))# Cast the columns to integersmodel_data=model_data.withColumn("arr_delay",model_data.arr_delay.cast("integer"))model_data=model...
selects.append(column) return df.select(*selects) 函数complex_dtypes_to_json将一个给定的Spark数据帧转换为一个新的数据帧,其中所有具有复杂类型的列都被JSON字符串替换。除了转换后的数据帧外,它还返回一个带有列名及其转换后的原始数据类型的字典。
mysql > alter table node_table change id id int not null auto_increment primary key; mysql > select * from log limit 10; 创建hbase表: **hbase(main):003:0> create ”log”,”info”** **hbase(main):004:0> list** 利用sqoop从mysql导入数据到hbase: **# sqoop import --connect jdbc...