15 16importsysfromPySide6importQtWidgets# from PySide2 import QtWidgets# from PyQt5 import QtWidgetsfromqt_materialimportapply_stylesheet# create the application and the main windowapp = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()# setup stylesheetapply_stylesheet(app, theme=...
6.4万 22 8:58 App PyQt-Fluent-Widgets 搭配 QtDesigner 的正确使用姿势 7412 -- 2:51 App 【PyQtPySide界面美化】qt-material极简上手! 2万 3 5:15 App QMaterialWidgets:基于 PyQt/PySide 的 Material Design 组件库 6983 3 2:17 App FluentUI:全新PySide6版本,脚手架体验! 4.7万 13 16:19 App...
安装完Python后,接下来需要安装本书用到的包PySide6、openpyxl、pyinstaller、qt-material和pymysql,每个包可以单独安装,也可以一次安装多个,下面介绍Windows系统中安装PySide6的步骤。以管理员身份运行Windows的cmd命令窗口,输入pip install pyside6后按Enter键就可以安装PySide6包,如图1-3所示。也可以用pip install ...
使用命令行:执行python文件,添加选项–style: python main.py --style material 1. 使用qtquickcontrols2.conf文件: [Controls] Style=Material [Universal] Theme=System Accent=Red [Material] Theme=Dark Accent=Red 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 然后加这个文件到你的.qrc文件...
There is a qt_material.QtStyleTools class that must be inherited along to QMainWindow for change themes in runtime using the apply_stylesheet() method.class RuntimeStylesheets(QMainWindow, QtStyleTools): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.main = QUiLoader().load('main_window....
Qt-Material This is another stylesheet for PySide6, PySide2 and PyQt5, which looks like Material Design (close enough). There is some custom dark themes: And light: Navigation Install Usage Themes Custom colors Usage Light themes Run examples New themes Change theme in runtime Install pip ...
我正在使用Qt在Windows7VM上运行代码,在运行我的代码时我得到了一个module "material" is not installed错误。它使用Python3.8使用Pyside6初始化。: view.show() app.exec()不过,我还没有在QMl即使我有一个快速控制元素,也会发生同样的事情。但是,如果我删除/注释掉下 浏览5提问于2021-06-03得票数 2 回答...
Material inspired stylesheet for PySide2, PySide6, PyQt5 and PyQt6 pyqt5pysidepyside2pyqtpyqt6pyside6 UpdatedMay 16, 2024 Python tonquer/JMComic-qt Star2.3k Code Issues Pull requests 禁漫天堂,18comic,使用qt实现的PC客户端,支持Windows,Linux,MacOS ...