(self.main_engine.read())#读一个字节 # print(self.main_engine.read(10).decode("gbk"))#读十个字节 # print(self.main_engine.readline().decode("gbk"))#读一行 # print(self.main_engine.readlines())#读取多行,返回列表,必须匹配超时(timeout)使用 # print(self.main_engine.in_waiting)#获取...
self.timeout=timeoutglobalRettry:#打开串口,并得到串口对象self.main_engine= serial.Serial(self.port,self.bps,timeout=self.timeout)#判断是否打开成功if(self.main_engine.is_open): Ret=TrueexceptException as e:print("---异常---:", e)#打印设备基本信息defPrint_Name(self):print(self.main_engi...
write_timeout设置写入超时值(以秒为单位):可选参数为-0、None、x。timeout = None:永远等待/直...
Open named port at "19200,8,N,1", 1s timeout [text] view plain copy >>> ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS1', 19200, timeout=1) >>> x = ser.read() # read one byte >>> s = ser.read(10) # read up to ten bytes (timeout) >>> line = ser.readline() # read a '\n' ...
我有一个python程序,它通过read模块从串口读取数据.我需要记住的两个条件是:我不知道会有多少数据,我不知道何时需要数据. 基于此,我提出了以下代码snipets: #Code from main loop, spawning thread and waiting for datas = serial.Serial(5, timeout=5)# Open COM5, 5 second timeouts.baudrate =19200#Code...
串口初始化时候设置超时时间,不设置默认阻塞。设置Serial(port, 115200, timeout = 2)后,在调用read(...
writeTimeout:写超时 xonxoff:软件流控 rtscts:硬件流控 dsrdtr:硬件流控 interCharTimeout:字符间隔超时 ser对象常⽤⽅法 ser.isOpen():查看端⼝是否被打开。ser.open() :打开端⼝‘。ser.close():关闭端⼝。ser.read():从端⼝读字节数据。默认1个字节。ser.read_all():从端⼝接收全部...
all_data = ''if self.com is None:self.com_open()start_time = time.time()while True:end_time = time.time()if end_time - start_time < timeout:len_data = self.com.inWaiting()if len_data != 0:for i in range(1, len_data + 1):data = self.com.read(1)data = data.decode('...
Working on a raspberry pi 1 the following line does not work as soon as I set a timeout: callback = ser.read_until(terminator, 1000), where terminator is set to b'\x03' as long as ser.timeout is set to None, my script reads all messages ...
Same class based interface on all supported platforms. Access to the port settings through Python properties. Support for different byte sizes, stop bits, parity and flow control with RTS/CTS and/or Xon/Xoff. Working with or without receive timeout. ...