Shimizu (1921) isolated methylpyridine from the urine of rabbits and dogs given pyrrole and suggested that pyrrole could be converted to pyridine derivatives in vivo. The transformations in the body and the excretion products in the urine are, however, in question (Fairhall, 1969). Novello (...
5–6 [12] which are similar to that of pyridine (5.2) [13]. The inability of hydroxyalkynes bearing benzoyl or methoxycarbonyl electron-withdrawing groups to cleanly react with 3H-pyrroles via either a [2 + 3]- or [4 + 2]-manner can also be rationalized by considering the ...
(1921) isolated methylpyridine from the urine of rabbits and dogs given pyrrole and suggested that pyrrole could be converted to pyridine derivatives in vivo. The transformations in the body and the excretion products in the urine are, however, in question (Fairhall, 1969). Novello (1927) ...