However, because of the growing need for the industrial production, sulfide oxidation produces more and more acid mine (or rock) drainage. This acid drainage has become a heavy economic and environmental problem. This review describes the oxidation mechanism of pyrite in an aqueous medium, ...
A. Schoonen, Suppression of pyrite oxidation in acidic aqueous environments using lipids having two hydrophobic tails, Adv. Environ. Res., 2003, in press.elsetinow A; Bordab M; Schoonen M; Strongin d (2003) Suppression of pyrite oxidation in acidic aque- ous environments using lipids ...
A study of the humid oxidation of pyrite, that is, oxidation of pyrite in aqueous medium under oxygen pressure, was undertaken to learn something of the reaction kinetics and mechanism Involved in the primary humid oxidation reactions. The method of investigation is based on measuring the oxygen ...
The oxidation of pyrite in aqueous systems is a complex biogeochemical process involving several redox reactions and microbial catalysis. This paper reviews the kinetic data on pyrite oxidation, compares available data on the inorganic vs. microbial oxidative mechanisms and describes the occurrence of min...
The formation of a passivating layer on the pyrite surface after exposure to the lipid presumably suppresses pyrite oxidation by either interrupting the advection of aqueous oxidants or the electron transfer between oxidants and the pyrite. The results presented here may form the basis for a new ...
Schematic illustration of the preparation of FeS2-based nanoparticles (pyrite-based NPs) and their roles in NIR II-enhanced CDT synergistic therapy of osteosarcoma. (A) The fabrication process of FeS2@CP NPs. (B) The therapeutic mechanism of FeS2@CP NPs in the treatment of osteosarcoma ...
Pyrite nodules up to 20 cm in diameter are found at the top of the Marinoan (~ 635 Ma) Nantuo glacial diamictite as well as in the cap dolostones and shale/siltstones in the lower Doushantuo Formation in eastern Guizhou, southern China. Field occurrences, petrography, and stable sulfur...
ions, as these ions are by definition those which adsorb strongest and thus determine the structure of the dOoHubÀle(lraeyfser2. 5I,n26t)h,esucagsgeesotifnFgetSh2a, tthine potential-determining an aqueous medium, ions are H3O þ and the tightly bound chemisorbed layer solvent molecules. ...
(pH 7.5). In contrast, the possible formation of polysulfides via oxidation of sulfide by Fe(III) in magnetite is most effective at neutral pH34,45,76and hence is likely not the dominant mechanism in the case of our experiments. The higher abundance of polysulfides in experiments with ...
The pyrite-silica breccia and massive sulfide assemblages without seawater oxidation were collected from the active Longqi hydrothermal field at a water depth of approximately 2820 m (Fig. 1b). 3.1. Microstructure and major element analysis Mineral textures were observed using a field-emission ...