The rate of dimerization for ultraviolet radiation was five times less in poly(d-dT) than in poly(dT). However, with acetophenone sensitization, thymine was dimerized at the same rate in poly(d-dT) as in poly(dT). Sensitization of poly(d-dT) resulted in a maximum dimer yield of 63 ...
Presumably the flexibility in twisting and bending DNA that is required to facilitate the photodimerization is absent from intramolecular triplexes. View chapter Review article Base-pair Opening Dynamics of Nucleic Acids in Relation to Their Biological Function Computational and Structural Biotechnology ...
We report here that thymidine oligonucleotides annealed to polydeoxyadenylate can be ligated end-to-end by UV irradiation, via thymine dimerization of the terminal nucleotides in adjacent oligonucleotides. The linkages are susceptible to direct photoreversal by 254 nm UV, as expected for cyclobutane-...
Using fusion proteins of hAGT with the DNA-binding domain LexA, and adding DHFR with the transcriptional activation domain B42 to the in vivo cell culture labeling of the hAGT fusion protein with a compound of formula (I) wherein L is methotrexate induces the coupling (“dimerization”) of ...
Because the peak absorbance of DNA is around 260 nm, the dimerization of pyrimidines is most effectively produced around 260 nm in a dose-dependent manner3,46. Conventional knowledge dictates that UV irradiation with longer wavelengths of light predominantly produces oxidatively damaged DNA via ...
Dimerization of aromatic ureido pyrimidinedione derivatives: observation of an unexpected tautomer in the solid state Ureido pyrimidinedione derivatives with phenyl, 1-naphthyl and 2-naphthyl substituents form stable dimers via quadruple hydrogen bonding, but the 1-naphthy... C Lu,S Gadde,AD Shukla,...
The preexponential factor is larger for thymine than for orotic acid by a factor of 4, suggesting that there are 4 times as many suitable orientations for dimerization in thymine than in orotic acid. We have also determined that the triplet yield for thymine decreases by about 15% over the...
If, however, compound 390 is treated with a stronger acid (TFA), it undergoes diastereoselective dimerization; reduction of the initial reaction product gives 391 (Scheme 113). It is suggested that in vivo dimerization of myrmicarin 215B may provide the key to the biosynthesis of the more comp...
Part IV Electrochemical dimerization of pyrimidine to 4,4′-bipyrimidine. Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 92: 409–419. doi: 10.1002/recl.19730920408 Author Information Chemical Physics Laboratory, Twente University of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands Publication History Issue published online: 2 ...
Protection against UV-induced pyrimidine dimerization in DNA by triplex formation CYCLOBUTANE and [6鈥 4]-pyrimidine dimers are major photo-products of ultraviolet-irradiated DNA. The yield of these photo-products is dependent on the sequ... VI Lyamichev,MD Frank-Kamenetskii,VN Soyfer - 《Natu...