Conclusion: Pyrexia of unknown origin is predominantly caused by infections led by tuberculosis and followed by typhoid fever , malaria and infective endocarditis. Collagen vascular diseases and neoplasms are next to infection. A significant number remains undiagnosed.Khattak...
Infection Other (geographical) Tuberculosis Familial Mediterranean fever Occult bacterial abscess Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease Endocarditis Melioidosis Brucellosis Pyrexia of unknown origin defined as temperature >38.3[degrees]C for >3 weeks, with >2 outpatient visits or 3 days' inpatient investigations. ...
Introduction: Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) is often a diagnostic challenge. Common causes currently reported include non-infectious inflammatory disorders (NIID) (30.6%), infections (23.1%), malignancy (10.7%) and miscellaneous (12.4%). However, 23.1% remain undiagnosed despite extensive investig...
Pyrexia of unknown originDirect costs of careFEVERYIELDFUOBackgroundDespite advancements in diagnostic technology, pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) remains a clinical concern. Insufficient information is available regarding the cost of care for the management of PUO in the South Asian Region.MethodsWe...
Her symptoms of intermittent fever and diarrhoea were refractory to treatment, leading to hospital readmission. Initial laboratory investigations highlighted hyponatremia, low haemoglobin, elevated inflammatory markers, and low cortisol levels. Although a urinary tract infection with...
The syndrome of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) was first defined in 1961 but remains a clinical challenge for many physicians. Different subgroups with PUO have been suggested, each requiring different investigative strategies: classical, nosocomial, neutropenic and HIV-related. This could be ...
A patient who presented with a persisting fever, episodically above 38掳C, of unknown origin is described. The diagnosis of the illness remained elusive, over repeated hospital admissions and comprehensive investigations for over 11weeks, until her last admission when the patient finally represented ...
UnknownOriginPancreaticDiseasesTuberculosis发热原因不明胰腺疾病The following sections are included:DEFINITIONCAUSES OF PUOCLINICAL APPROACHPHYSICAL EXAMINATIONINVESTIGATIONSCase 1Case 2Case 3MELIOIDOSISTransmissionClinical ManifestationsDiagnosisProblems in ManagementReferences DEFINITION CAUSES OF PUO CLINICAL APPROACH ...
fever of unknown originpostpartum infectionpostpartum pyrexiaPostpartum pyrexia is a common condition that is sometimes associated with serious maternal morbidity and occasional mortality. Most cases are due to underlying genital tract infection such as endometritis, but there are a wide variety of ...
Fever/pyrexia of unknown origin is defined as temperature > 38.5 degrees C lasting for > 3 weeks, of which at least 2 weeks have been spent in thorough investigations. We present a case of an elderly gentleman who had pyrexia of unknown origin and whose PET scan was useful to localize...