2.NameError: name ‘QLabel’ is not defined from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 1. 3.NameError: name ‘QDialog’ is not defined from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog, QLineEdit, QDialog 1.
针对你提出的 NameError: name 'pyqtslot' is not defined 错误,以下是一些可能的解决方法和分析: 确认pyqtslot的来源和用途: pyqtslot 通常不是 PyQt5 或 PyQt6 中的标准装饰器。标准的装饰器是 @PyQt5.QtCore.pyqtSlot(对于 PyQt5)或 @PyQt6.QtCore.pyqtSlot(对于 PyQt6)。 pyqtslot 可能是一个拼写...
pyqt5转换后的py文件提示 name 'Ui_MainWindow' is not defined fromPyQt5importQtCore,QtGui,QtWidgetsimport sysclassUi_MainWindow(object):defsetupUi(self,MainWindow):MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow")MainWindow.resize(500,370)MainWindow.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(24,24))self.centralwidget=QtWidge...
NameError: name 'QDialog' is not defined You are getting this error because you forgot to import QDialog. Just add it to the end of one of your QWidgets imports such as: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog, QLineEdit, QDialog Also, you are going to get an attribute error bec...
NameError: name 'QMessageBox' is not defined 复制 这是因为程序员忘记导入QMessageBox类。QMessageBox提供了一个现成的对话框,可以用来显示消息、提问和警告。 解决方法 程序员应该在使用QMessageBox前,导入PyQt5.QtWidgets模块,并将QMessageBox类导入到本地命名空间中。可以使用以下代码导入QMessageBox: from Py...
在PyQt5中使用Pandas时需要的模块库为:qtpandas,版本为1.0.4以上,才支持PyQt5。安装过程不说了,找各种方法安装吧。 安装完成后,为检测是否安装成功,运行qtpands提供的例子:BasicExample.py,过程中暴露出很多问题。 1. 无法从pandas.tslib中加载NaTType
Python2.6-Python3.6 Error1: TypeError: qRegisterResourceData(int, str,str, str): argument 2 has unexpected type 'str' 设置pyrrc的外部工具: 重新对qrc生成py文件。 Error2: NameError: name 'codecs' is not defined 将 impo... 常用的jvm配置参数 :堆的参数配置 ...
framework. To change the examples to Python 2 or the PyQt4 is quite simple and in most cases, trivial. For in-depth information about Qt, PyQt, Scintilla and QScintilla go to the official documentation websites. Table of Contents Introduction... 1.1. What is QScintilla?......
on_<widget_name>_<signal_name> """ if playQuery: pauseVideo() else: playVideo() def changeVideoSource(target): media.setCurrentSource(phonon.Phonon.MediaSource(target)) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) videoPlayer = videoPlayer() videoPlayer.show() ...
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) Dialog = QtGui.QDialog() ui = Ui_Dialog() ui.setupUi(Dialog) Dialog.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())The resultant python script is executed to show the following dialog box −...