importmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportnumpyasnp x=np.logspace(0,3,20)y1=x**2y2=x**1.8plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))plt.loglog(x,y1,linestyle='--',alpha=0.7,zorder=2,drawstyle='steps-post',label='y = x^2')plt.loglog(x,y2,linestyle=':',alpha=0.9,zorder=1,drawstyle='default',label='...
Whether to extend contour in 3D (default: False) Stride (step size) for extending contour The direction to use: x, y or z (default) If specified plot a projection of the contour lines on this position in plane normal to zdir The positional and other p1025 matplotlib.pyplot.axis(*v, *...
l1 = plt.legend([p2, p1], ["line 2", "line 1"], loc='upper left') p3 = plt.scatter(x[0:2], y[0:2], marker = 'D', color='r') p4 = plt.scatter(x[2:], y[2:], marker = 'D', color='g') # This removes l1 from the axes. plt.legend([p3, p4], ['label', ...
设置图例legend, 可以直接设置在plt.plot的label属性中,然后plt.lengend()显示 loc顺序: “先上中下,再左中右” 默认上左, shadow default: False 例如:plt.legend(loc=‘upper left’,shadow=False, fontsize=12) #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import
(212)# the second subplot in the first figureplt.plot([4,5,6])plt.figure(2)# a second figureplt.plot([4,5,6])# creates a subplot() by defaultplt.figure(1)# first figure current;# subplot(212) still currentplt.subplot(211)# make subplot(211) in the first figure# currentplt....
markerscalethe relative size of legend markers vs. original 图例标记与原始标记的相对大小 markerfirstIf True (default), marker is to left of the label. 如果为True,则图例标记位于图例标签的左侧 numpointsthe number of points in the legend for line ...
loc Location code string, or tuple (see below).图例所有figure位置 prop the font property字体参数 fontsize the font size (used only if prop is not specified)markerscale the relative size of legend markers vs. original 图例标记与原始标记的相对⼤⼩ markerfirst If True (default), marker is ...
self.m_pane6122 = wx.ScrolledWindow( self.m_pane612, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) #添加一个布局垂直管理器 self.gSizer21 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL) #创建一个 Figure 对象和一个绘制统计图的 Canvas 对象self.figure =plt.figure() #创建一个绘图的桌子...
# Default is for Blue-Green-Red-NIR: colour_order=['b','g','r','y'], x_limits=None, y_limits=None)'Display: Creating histogram plot - {}'.format(file_name)) fig = plt.figure() plt.hold(True)forcolour, c_bandinzip(colour_order, candidate_data_multiple_bands):...
# Default is for Blue-Green-Red-NIR: colour_order=['b','g','r','y'], x_limits=None, y_limits=None)'Display: Creating histogram plot - {}'.format(file_name)) fig = plt.figure() plt.hold(True)forcolour, c_bandinzip(colour_order, candidate_data_multiple_bands):...