python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* 其中username输入__token__,password输入token值(使用测试环境的token值),然后按Enter即可 Enter your API token:把生成的token值粘贴进去,命令行中的token是不可见的,粘贴后直接回车 点击Your Projects可以看到上传成功 5.正式上传至PyPi 登录PyPiPyPI · The ...
$ python3 check $ python3 sdist bdist_wheel $ twine upload --repository-url dist/* Uploading distributions to Enter your username: dechin Enter your password: Uploading hadder-3.4-py3-none-any.whl 100%|█...
backends. See details. Enter your API token: Uploading gptsummary-0.0.7-pp39-pypy39_pp73-linux_x86_64.whl 100% ━━━ 88.8/88.8 kB • 00:01 • 322.4 kB/s WARNING Error during upload. Retry with the --verbose option for more details. ERROR HTTP...
在登录Pypi主页之后,在账号设定界面往下拉,找到API tokens选项 选择添加API token,可以给这个token设定一个专门的用途名称,还可以分仓库管理token。不过这里我为了方便,直接统一使用一个token进行上传: 然后就会生成一个token: 配置API Token 其实官方推荐的方法是把Token保存到~/.pypirc文件里面去,像这个样子: 但是不...
当运行以上命令后,一般会出现Enter your username和Enter your password提示,其中username输入__token__...
PyPIToken: Manipulate PyPI API tokens PyPIToken is an open-source Python 3.8+ library for generating and manipulating PyPI tokens. PyPI tokens are very powerful, as that they are based on Macaroons. They allow the bearer to add additional restrictions to an existing token. For example, given ...
For example, if someone uses a "user" pypi token, they can generate a token that only works for one specific project. Doing this before used to be a little complicated because the restriction format was not very well documented. Enter pypitoken. It's a new library (disclaimer: I'm the...
当运行以上命令后,一般会出现Enter your username和Enter your password提示,其中username输入__token__,password输入token值(使用测试环境的token值),然后按Enter即可 3.2 正式上传至PyPi 当在测试环境上传成功后,便可上传至PyPi的生产环境 python3 -m twine upload dist/* ...
Next, open your terminal and enter: $ lncrawl To view extra logs, use:lncrawl -lll If you want to get the cutting-edge (sometimes unstable) from thedevbranch, you can get it by: PIP (Directly from GitHub) Themasterbranch contains the latest stable code. If you can not wait for it...
Enter these values carefully. Giving the incorrect user, repository, or workflow the ability to publish to your PyPI project is equivalent to sharing an API token. Owner: myorg Repository name: myproject Workflow name: release.yml (Optionally) a GitHub Actions environment name: releas...