首先我在 https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ 下载了pywin32的.whl文件,后来在网上搜索打开此文件的方法,发现还有很繁琐的步骤。。。 1,安装pip。 用pip安装wheel 执行命令pip install wheel,如果提示pip“不是内部命令”,先安装pip。pip在https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip#downloads 可以下载。将...
wheel Build wheels from your requirements. hash Compute hashes of package archives. completion A helper command used for command completion. debug Show information useful for debugging. help Show help for commands. General Options: -h, --help Show help. --debug Let unhandled exceptions propagate ...
Otherwise, the folder structure gets messed up, and twine errors out. I researched a bit about whyhttps://github.com/google/benchmark/actions/runs/12072915457failed, and after reviewing a few cibuildwheel configs, I think it's related to the artifact name in combination with the deletion of ...
search Search PyPIforpackages. cache Inspectandmanage pip's wheel cache.wheel Build wheelsfromyour requirements. hash Compute hashes of package archives. completion A helper command usedforcommand completion. debug Show information usefulfordebugging. help Show helpforcommands. General Options:-h, --h...
去年,我在 piwheels 网站上实现了类似的 API。piwheels.org 是一个 Python 软件包索引,为树莓派架构提供了 wheel(预编译的二进制软件包)。它本质上是 PyPI 软件包的镜像,但带有 Arm wheel,而不是软件包维护者上传到 PyPI 的文件。 由于piwheels 模仿了 PyPI 的 URL 结构,因此你可以将项目页面 URL 的pypi.org...
piwheels.org 是一个 Python 软件包索引,为树莓派架构提供了 wheel(预编译的二进制软件包)。它本质上是 PyPI 软件包的镜像,但带有 Arm wheel,而不是软件包维护者上传到 PyPI 的文件。 由于piwheels 模仿了 PyPI 的 URL 结构,因此你可以将项目页面 URL 的 pypi.org 部分更改为 piwheels.org。它将向你显示...
When a recipe is added to this repository or updated (via PR), a CI job downloads from PyPI the sdist archive for the specified package, and then builds the wheels using either cibuildwheel (default) or build (if it is a pure Python package specified with purepy: true in the recipe)...
确保pip,setuptools和wheel是最新的 (可选)创建虚拟环境 创建虚拟环境 使用pip进行安装 从PyPI安装 来源分布与车轮 升级包 安装到用户站点 需求文件 从VCS安装 从其他索引安装 从本地src树安装 从本地存档安装 从其他来源安装 安装预发行版 安装Setuptools“Extras” ...
Let the CI build the wheel and source distribution packages and verify both get uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI). [Optional] Go to fonttoolsGithub Releases <https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/releases>__ page and create a new release, copy-pasting the content of the git tag ...
pip install -U pip wheel setuptools pip install lightnovel-crawler termux-setup-storage cd ~/storage/downloads lncrawl You can navigate up using Vol UP + W and down using Vol UP + S. When there is a new update available, you can install it just by runningpip install -U lightnovel-crawl...