frompynhdimportNLDI,WaterData,NHDPlusHRimportpynhdasnhd First, let's get the watershed geometry of the contributing basin of a USGS station usingNLDI: nldi=NLDI()station_id="01031500"basin=nldi.get_basins(station_id) Thenavigate_byidclass method can be used to navigate NHDPlus in both ...
WaterData NHDPlus MR NHDPlus HR NLDI PyGeoAPI GeoConnex Mainstems HUC12 Pour Points These web services can be used to navigate and extract vector data from NHDPlus V2 (both mid- and high-resolution) database such as catchments, HUC8, HUC12, GagesII, flowlines, and water bodies. ...
from pynhd import NLDI, WaterData, NHDPlusHR import pynhd as nhd First, let's get the watershed geometry of the contributing basin of a USGS station using NLDI: nldi = NLDI() station_id = "01031500" basin = nldi.get_basins(station_id) The navigate_byid class method can be used ...